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Web API Post从json.stringify获取相关数据

[英]Web API Post get related data from json.stringify

I have an html page with a button on it. 我有一个带有按钮的html页面。 Here are the functions that are important: 以下是重要的功能:

function updateClick() {
    SOP10100 = new Object();
    SOP10100.CUSTNMBR = "5000";
    SOP10100.SHIPMTHD = "FedEX";
    SOP10100.SOP10200 = [{ itemnmbr: "120604", quantity: 3, unitprice: .98, uofm: "ROLL" }, { itemnmbr: "120604", quantity: 1, unitprice: 4.98, uofm: "6 ROLL" }, { itemnmbr: "120604", quantity: 2, unitprice: 10.98, uofm: "12 ROLL" }]


function salesOrderCreate(sOP10100) {
        url: '/api/SOP10100',
        type: 'POST',
        contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
        data: JSON.stringify(sOP10100),
        success: function (data) {
        error: function (request, message, error) {
            handleException(request, message, error);

Here is the controller that handles the click: 这是处理点击的控制器:

' POST: api/SOP10100
Function PostSOP10100(ByVal sOP10100 As SOP10100) As IHttpActionResult
    If Not ModelState.IsValid Then
        Return BadRequest(ModelState)
    End If


'create the document header Dim otaSOPHdrIvcInsert As New Serialization.taSopHdrIvcInsert '将文档标题Dim otaSOPHdrIvcInsert创建为新的Serialization.taSopHdrIvcInsert

        'populate the header
        With otaSOPHdrIvcInsert
            .DOCID = "EQ SALE ORD"
            .BACHNUMB = "webOrder"
            .LOCNCODE = "WAREHOUSE"
            .DOCDATE = DateString 'Today
            .CUSTNMBR = sOP10100.CUSTNMBR
            .SHIPMTHD = sOP10100.SHIPMTHD
            .REFRENCE = sOP10100.REFRENCE
    End With

Here is where I'm stuck. 这就是我卡住的地方。 I need to loop through the SOP10200 (which are the order lines) and for each one do something like this: 我需要遍历SOP10200(这是订单行),并为每个人做这样的事情:

Dim otaSOPLineIvcInsert As New Serialization.taSopLineIvcInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcInsert

With otaSOPLineIvcInsert
    .SOPNUMBE = strSopNumber
    .SOPTYPE = 2
    .DOCDATE = DateString
    .ITEMNMBR = sOP10100.SOP10200.itemnmbr
End With

But I can't seem to be able to get to the itemnmbr in code. 但是我似乎无法使用代码itemnmbr I can see it when debugging, so I know it is there. 我可以在调试时看到它,所以我知道它在那里。

If this wasn't coming from an API but a linq query I would do a query and then 如果这不是来自API,而是来自linq查询,我会进行查询,然后

For Each IV00101 In query

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 I know the code is in VB, but the problem also applies to C#. 我知道代码在VB中,但是问题也适用于C#。

You need to access the collection property SOP10200 to get access to it's items: 您需要访问集合属性SOP10200才能访问其项目:

 For Each IV00101 IN sOP10100.SOP10200

      'Do Work


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