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目的是什么 <payment_action> 在Magento中标记?

[英]What is the purpose of <payment_action> tag in Magento?

I'm new to magento and i'm trying to understand the tags in creating a custom payment module. 我是magento的新手,我正在尝试了解创建自定义付款模块时的标记。 I just want to ask what is the purpose of payment_action tag in magento 我只想问一下magento中payment_action标签的目的是什么

Here is my xml code for payment 这是我的付款XML代码

    <title>Custom Payment Module</title>

thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

When you integrate or use a Payment method that uses 3rd party API or redirects on merchnat website for payment processing, there are two modes for payment (Payment Action): 当您集成或使用使用第三方API的付款方法或在merchnat网站上重定向以进行付款处理时,有两种付款方式(“付款操作”):

  1. Authorize 授权
  2. Capture OR Sale 捕获或出售

The XML snippet that you mentioned above is to set default value in payment method system configuration in payment_action field as sale . 您上面提到的XML代码段是将payment_action字段中的付款方式系统配置中的默认值设置为sale so that amount will be deducted instantly when user place order instead of authorize only. 因此当用户下订单而不是仅授权时,该金额将立即扣除。

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