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[英]addEventListener() click incorrectly executing

I'm new to javascript, and made a small game using prompts. 我是javascript新手,并根据提示制作了一个小游戏。 I am in the process of building a UI and phasing out the prompts. 我正在构建UI并逐步淘汰提示。 At the moment I have a main menu, and a fight menu. 目前,我有一个主菜单和一个战斗菜单。 Pressing fight takes you to the fight menu with a list of moves. 按下打斗将带您进入打斗菜单,并带有一系列动作。 After pressing "ORA" in the fight menu it is supposed to bring up a prompt stating the attack and then bringing you back to the main menu. 在战斗菜单中按下“ ORA”后,应该会提示您进行攻击,然后将您带回到主菜单。

While this does happen, when you are brought back to the main menu it acts as if it is still in the attack menu. 尽管确实发生了这种情况,但是当您回到主菜单时,它的作用就好像它仍在攻击菜单中一样。

var fightMenu = fight.addEventListener("click", fightMenuFunction)

function fightMenuFunction() {
  document.getElementById("fight").id = "ora";
  document.getElementById("ora").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>ORA</p>";
  document.getElementById("status").id = "get_angry";
  document.getElementById("get_angry").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>GET ANGRY</p>";
  document.getElementById("blank1").id = "yell_dio";
  document.getElementById("yell_dio").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>YELL DIO</p>";
  document.getElementById("blank2").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'></p>";

  var menuReturn = function() {
    document.getElementById("ora").id = "fight";
    document.getElementById("fight").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>FIGHT</p>";
    document.getElementById("get_angry").id = "status";
    document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>STATUS</p>"
    document.getElementById("yell_dio").id = "blank1";
    document.getElementById("blank1").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>BLANK1</p>"
    document.getElementById("blank2").innerHTML = "<p class='textstuff'>BLANK2</p>"

  document.getElementById("ora").addEventListener("click", function() {
    var oraoraAttack = Math.random();
    if (oraoraAttack >= 0.4 && buff == 0) {
    } else if (oraoraAttack >= 0.4 && buff >= 1) {
    } else {
      confirm("Your attack missed!")
  document.getElementById("get_angry").addEventListener("click", function() {
    confirm("It works!");
  document.getElementById("yell_dio").addEventListener("click", function() {
    confirm("It works!");


function fightMenuFunction() {
  document.getElementById("fight").id = "ora";


var menuReturn = function() {
    document.getElementById("ora").id = "fight";

we can see you are using the same element the whole time, so unless you clear event listeners you will trigger them, no matter what the current id is. 我们可以看到您一直在使用相同的元素,因此,除非您清除事件监听器,否则无论当前ID是什么,都将触发它们。 (As the event is bound to the element, not the id) (由于事件绑定到元素,而不是id)

You probably should be using two elements though. 不过,您可能应该使用两个元素。

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