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Ruby on Rails-在测试用例中添加用户

[英]Ruby on Rails - Adding user in test case

I am really new to the unit testing and i am trying to wrap my head around it. 我对单元测试真的很陌生,我正在努力把它包裹住。 So the situation I have an article form where user can enter title and description and on clicking Create Article article should get created but only a logged in user can perform this operation so I need to test this. 因此,我有一个文章表单,用户可以在其中输入titledescription ,然后单击“ Create Article ”就可以创建该文章,但是只有登录的用户才能执行此操作,因此我需要对此进行测试。

Since I am new to this so this is what I am thinking, 由于我是新手,所以这就是我的想法,

  1. I will create a user first 我将首先创建一个用户
  2. Save it to session as thats how the system checks if the user is logged in (but then i am also thinking its not a browser so this logic might not work), then how do i submit a form as a logged in user? 将其保存到会话中,那样系统就可以检查用户是否已登录(但是我也认为它不是浏览器,因此此逻辑可能不起作用),那么我如何以登录用户的身份提交表单?

here is my try 这是我的尝试

require 'rails_helper'

    RSpec.feature 'adding article' do
      scenario 'allow user to add an article' do
        @user = User.create(:email => "saadia1@clickteck.com", :password => 'password', :username => 'saadia1')
        session[:user_id] = @user.id

        visit new_article_path

        # @article = Article.user.to eql(@user = User.find_by(id: 6))
        fill_in "Title", with: "My Title"
        fill_in "Description", with: "My description"

        click_on("Create Article")

        expect(page).to have_content("My Title")
        expect(page).to have_content("My description")


When i run the command rspec spec/features/add_article_spec.rb 当我运行命令rspec spec/features/add_article_spec.rb

I see 我懂了

Failures: 失败:

1) adding article allow user to add an article Failure/Error: session[:user_id] = @user.id 1)添加文章允许用户添加文章失败/错误:session [:user_id] = @ user.id

  NameError: undefined local variable or method `session' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::AddingArticle:0x007f89285e32e8> # ./spec/features/add_article_spec.rb:6:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>' 

Finished in 0.0197 seconds (files took 1.35 seconds to load) 1 example, 1 failure 在0.0197秒内完成(文件花费1.35秒来加载)1例,1例失败

Failed examples: 失败的例子:

rspec ./spec/features/add_article_spec.rb:4 # adding article allow user to add an article rspec ./spec/features/add_article_spec.rb:4#添加文章允许用户添加文章

So my question is how do i add an article as a logged in user? 所以我的问题是我如何以登录用户身份添加文章? I will really appreciate any help on this. 我将非常感谢对此的任何帮助。

are you using devise for authentication if yes devise provides some helpers for test also include this line in your rail_helper.rb 您是否正在使用devise进行身份验证(如果是),那么devise提供了一些测试助手,因此在rail_helper.rb中也包含此行

config.include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers, :type => :controller this will help you to use sign_in helper method of devise, and you wil not need to use session as you are doing currently, Please refer to link for more information config.include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers, :type => :controller这将帮助您使用sign_in helper方法,并且您将不需要像当前一样使用会话,请参考链接以获取更多信息

This is how I ended up creating a test case, since this is my one of the first test cases ever I am not sure how this can be improved so feel free to review it 这就是我最终创建测试用例的方式,因为这是我有史以来的第一个测试用例之一,所以我不确定如何改进它,因此可以随时对其进行回顾。

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.feature 'adding article' do    
  scenario 'allow user to add an article' do 
    user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
    visit login_path
    fill_in 'Email', with: user.email
    fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
    click_button 'Log in'
    expect(page).to have_content('You have successfully logged in')

    visit new_article_path

    fill_in "Title", with: "My Title"
    fill_in "Description", with: "My description"

    click_on("Create Article")

    expect(page).to have_content("My Title")
    expect(page).to have_content("My description")


This is my factory 这是我的工厂

# spec/factories/users
FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
    sequence(:username) { |n| "user#{n}" }
    password 'password'
    sequence :email do |n|n

Finished in 0.4176 seconds (files took 2.54 seconds to load) 1 example, 0 failures 只需0.4176秒即可完成(文件加载时间为2.54秒)1例,失败0例

I do still want to know if it is possible at all to login the user in another scenario or all this has to be a part of one scenario. 我仍然想知道是否完全有可能在另一种情况下登录用户,或者所有这些都必须是一种情况的一部分。

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