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转换为Python Scrapy Request时,Python request.post()无法正常工作

[英]Python request.post() not working when converted to Python Scrapy Request

I have simple POST request code. 我有简单的POST请求代码。

headers = {
    dictionary of headers

params = (
    ('param1', '0'),
    ('param2', '5668294380'),
    ('param3', '8347915011'),

response = requests.post('https://website.com', headers=headers, params=params, data=__data)

This works perfectly as standalone Python program. 这完全可以作为独立的Python程序使用。

But I want to do this in Python Scrapy 但是我想在Python Scrapy中做到这一点

Request(url='https://website.com',callback=self.callback_fun, headers=headers, body=__data, method="POST")

It gives me response that URL cannot handle POST request 它给我的回应是URL无法处理POST请求

I tried 我试过了

FormRequest(url='https://website.com',callback=self.callback_fun, headers=headers, body=__data)

It gives me same response. 它给了我同样的回应。

I tried 我试过了

Request(url='https://website.com?' + urllib.urlencode(self.params),callback=self.callback_fun, headers=headers, body=__data, method="POST")

But it gives me 400 Bad Request 但这给了我400 Bad Request

Whats wrong with Scrapy? Scrapy怎么了? I mean pure Python Script works but in Scrapy does not work. 我的意思是纯Python脚本有效,但在Scrapy中不起作用。

I think main issue is how to send params=params using Scrapy. 我认为主要问题是如何使用Scrapy发送params=params Scrapy only allows to send Request Payload via body parameter Scrapy仅允许通过body参数发送请求有效负载

class scrapy.http.FormRequest(url[, formdata, ...])

Parameters: formdata (dict or iterable of tuples) – is a dictionary (or iterable of (key, value) tuples) containing HTML Form data which will be url-encoded and assigned to the body of the request. 参数:formdata(元组的dict或可迭代)–是一个字典(或元组(键,值)可迭代),其中包含HTML表单数据,该数据将被url编码并分配给请求的主体。

in HTTP, if you want to post data, the data is set in the request body and encoded. 在HTTP中,如果要发布数据,则将数据设置在请求正文中并进行编码。 you can encode the dict you self or use Scrapy FormRequest : 您可以编码自己的字典,也可以使用Scrapy FormRequest

class FormRequest(Request):

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    formdata = kwargs.pop('formdata', None)
    if formdata and kwargs.get('method') is None:
        kwargs['method'] = 'POST'

    super(FormRequest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    if formdata:
        items = formdata.items() if isinstance(formdata, dict) else formdata
        # encode dict here
        querystr = _urlencode(items, self.encoding)
        if self.method == 'POST':
            # set message header
            self.headers.setdefault(b'Content-Type', b'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
            # set message body
            self._set_url(self.url + ('&' if '?' in self.url else '?') + querystr)

----------------------------update-------------- ----------------------------更新--------------

in requests code: 在请求代码中:

response = requests.post('https://website.com', headers=headers, params=params, data=__data)

it first adds the parameter to the URL the post data to the modified URL. 它首先将参数添加到URL,将发布数据添加到修改后的URL。 you should change you URL. 您应该更改您的URL。 you can get the URL by: 您可以通过以下方式获取网址:


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