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[英]Updating Objective-C syntax with Swift equivalent for unused static

I am stuck on translating a method from the following bit. 我被困在翻译下面的方法。

In original Objective-C, the method is: 在原始的Objective-C中,方法是:

+ (CGFloat)defaultFontSize
    CGFloat pointSize = 16.0;
    NSString *contentSizeCategory = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] preferredContentSizeCategory];
    pointSize += SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory(contentSizeCategory); //stucj here

    return pointSize;

In Swift, I have done the following so far: 到目前为止,在Swift中,我已完成以下操作:

let defaultFontSize: Float {
        get {
            let pointSize = 16.0
            let contentSizeCategory = UIApplication.shared.preferredContentSizeCategory
            //What do here for SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory?

In particular, I don't know how to translate SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory , which is an unused static CGFloat : 特别是,我不知道如何转换SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory ,它是unused static CGFloat

__unused static CGFloat SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory(NSString *category)
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryExtraSmall])                         return -3.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategorySmall])                              return -2.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryMedium])                             return -1.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryLarge])                              return 0.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryExtraLarge])                         return 2.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryExtraExtraLarge])                    return 4.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryExtraExtraExtraLarge])               return 6.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryAccessibilityMedium])                return 8.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryAccessibilityLarge])                 return 10.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryAccessibilityExtraLarge])            return 11.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryAccessibilityExtraExtraLarge])       return 12.0;
    if ([category isEqualToString:UIContentSizeCategoryAccessibilityExtraExtraExtraLarge])  return 13.0;
    return 0;

Any guidance is much appreciated. 任何指导是非常感谢。

That's just a function that returns a CGFloat : 那只是一个返回CGFloat的函数:

func SLKPointSizeDifference(for category: UIContentSizeCategory) -> CGFloat {
    typealias c = UIContentSizeCategory // for the sake of reducing boilerplate below

    switch category {
    case c.extraSmall:                         return -3
    case c.small:                              return -2
    case c.medium:                             return -1
    case c.large:                              return 0
    case c.extraLarge:                         return 2
    case c.extraExtraLarge:                    return 4
    case c.extraExtraExtraLarge:               return 6
    case c.accessibilityMedium:                return 8
    case c.accessibilityLarge:                 return 10
    case c.accessibilityExtraLarge:            return 11
    case c.accessibilityExtraExtraLarge:       return 12
    case c.accessibilityExtraExtraExtraLarge:  return 13
    default:                                   return 0
  • __unused is just a flag that tells the compiler not to warn if that function is never used. __unused只是一个标志,告诉编译器不要警告该函数是否从未使用过。 See more here . 在这里查看更多。

  • static just limits the scope of that function's existence to the current file. static只是将该函数的存在范围限制为当前文件。

  • UIContentSizeCategory is imported into Swift as a struct, which is more strongly typed than just using raw strings. UIContentSizeCategory作为结构导入到Swift中,它的类型比仅使用原始字符串要强。

__unused only tells the compiler "don't warn me if I don't use this variable". __unused仅告诉编译器“如果我不使用此变量,请勿警告我”。 , and in this context I believe that means no warning should be shown if the result of SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory goes unused. ,在这种情况下,我认为如果SLKPointSizeDifferenceForCategory的结果未使用,则不会显示任何警告。

As for the Slack SDK function you're trying to port , why not simply include SlackTextViewController in your bridging header and then you can pick up the original function like magic. 至于要尝试移植的Slack SDK函数 ,为什么不直接在桥接头中包含SlackTextViewController,然后再选择像魔术一样的原始函数。

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