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[英]Using hex numbers in MSP430 assembler

I'm new to assembly (we are using it at school with an MSP430 controller) and I'm trying to do two things. 我是组装的新手(我们正在学校中将它与MSP430控制器一起使用),我正在尝试做两件事。

  1. moving an hex number to a certain location: mov #FFFh, R5 (moving it into the fifth register) 将十六进制数字移动到某个位置: mov #FFFh, R5 (将其移动到第五个寄存器中)
  2. comparing an hex number with another: cmp #FFFh, #45 比较一个十六进制数与另一个: cmp #FFFh, #45
            mov.b #0, R4 ; indice
            mov.b #0, R5 ; contatore

            bis.b #00000001b, P1DIR ; led rosso
            bis.b #10000000b, P4DIR    ; led verde

main_loop:  cmp #19, R5
            jz end
            cmp #FFFFh, 2C00h(R4)
            jnz nope
            jmp yep

nope:       inc.b R4
            jmp main_loop

yep:        inc.b R4
            inc.b R5
            jmp main_loop

end:        cmp #5, R5
            jge red_led
            jmp green_led

red_led:    bis.b #00000001b, P1OUT
green_led:  bis.b #10000000b, P4OUT

The compiler log (we are using CCS, CodeComposer) says: 编译器日志(我们正在使用CCS,CodeComposer)表示:

"../main.asm", ERROR! “ ../main.asm”,错误! at EOF: [E0300] The following symbols are undefined: 在EOF处:[E0300]以下符号未定义:

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

A word starting with a digit ( 09 ) is interpreted as a number. 以数字( 09 )开头的单词被解释为数字。
A word starting with a letter ( AZ ) is interpreted as a name (of a register or a variable or a label). 以字母( AZ )开头的单词被解释为名称(寄存器,变量或标签的名称)。

So when a hexadecimal number starts with a letter, you must add a zero: 因此,当十六进制数字以字母开头时,必须添加零:

        cmp #0FFFFh, 2C00h(R4)

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