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[英]How to open modal with Javascript?

I am a student learning to code and have just started to learn javascript/jquery. 我是一名学习编码的学生,刚刚开始学习javascript / jquery。 I have created a RoR chess game and am currently working on the promotion move. 我已经创建了RoR棋牌游戏,目前正在从事促销活动。 Basically, once a Pawn piece has reached the opposite end of the board, a modal should open and give the player a selection of pieces to choose from to replace the pawn with. 基本上,当典当棋子到达棋盘的另一端时,应该打开一个模式,并为玩家提供一系列棋子供您选择,以替换棋子。 On the front end I have this modal that should automatically be triggered when a pawn meets the necessary conditions. 在前端,我有此模式,当典当满足必要条件时应自动触发该模式。 I created a function is_pawn_promotion that should do so, but the modal still does not open on it's own, and now I am unsure what to do next. 我创建了一个函数is_pawn_promotion ,该函数应该这样做,但是模态仍然无法自行打开,现在我不确定下一步该怎么做。 I am wondering if the is_pawn_promotion function is not being called properly (obviously it is not). 我想知道is_pawn_promotion函数是否未正确调用(显然不是)。 I have tried to reorganize the location of the openModal function but to no avail. 我试图重新组织openModal函数的位置,但无济于事。 Any help would be greatly appreciated and hopefully I have provided a clear enough picture of what is going on. 任何帮助将不胜感激,希望我已经提供了足够清晰的画面。

Here is the JS file containing the is_pawn_promotion . 这是包含is_pawn_promotion的JS文件。 I have included the whole file which contains the openModal function I am trying to call in order to open the modal. 我已经包含了整个文件,其中包含我试图调用以打开模式的openModal函数。

$( function() {
  $( ".piece" ).draggable({
    snap: ".piece-square",
    grid: [60, 60],
    containment: ".game-board",

  $( ".piece-square" ).droppable({
    accept: ".piece",
    drop: function( event, ui ) {
      var x = $(event.target).data('x');
      var y = $(event.target).data('y');
      var urlUpdatePath = $('.ui-draggable-dragging').data('url');
      var is_pawn_promotion = function() {
        return $(".piece") === 'Pawn' &&
          (y === 0 || y === 7); 

      var sendAJAXRequest = function(x, y, type) {
          type: 'PUT',
          url: urlUpdatePath,
          data: { piece: { x_position: x, y_position: y, piece_type: type} },
          success: function(response) {
            if(response == 'OK') {
            } else {

          if (is_pawn_promotion()) {
            var promoSubmitButton = $(".promo-selection-submit");
            promoSubmitButton.on('click', function() {
              var type = $('.promo-selection.input[selected]').val();
              sendAJAXRequest(x, y, type);
            } else { 
              sendAJAXRequest(x, y);

    var openModal = function() {

      // Change modal-state checkbox to checked
      $("#promo-modal").prop("checked", true);

        if ($("#promo-modal").is(":checked")) {
        } else {

      $(".modal-fade-screen, .modal-close").on("click", function() {
        $(".modal-state:checked").prop("checked", false).change();

      $(".modal-inner").on("click", function(e) {

the modal 情态

<div class="modal">
  <input class="modal-state" id="promo-modal" type="checkbox" />
  <div class="modal-fade-screen">
    <div class="modal-inner">
      <div class="modal-close" for="promo-modal"></div>
        <div class="promo-modal-text">
          <h1>Pawn Promotion!</h1>
          <h1>Make your selection: </h1>
        <form action="#" class="pawn-promotion">
          <div class="promo-selection-container">
            <% [Queen, Knight, Bishop, Rook].each do |piece_type| %>
              <div class="promo-selection">
                  <%= image_tag(piece_type.new(color: current_color).piece_image) %>
                  <%= piece_type.name %>
                  <input type="radio" name="promo-piece" value="<%= piece_type.name %>">
            <% end %>  
          <div class="promo-selection-submit">
            <input type="submit">

You are calling the function, before you declare it. 在声明函数之前,您正在调用该函数。 Try changing its location. 尝试更改其位置。

I managed to find a solution on my own. 我设法自己找到了解决方案。 The main problem was how I was defining the is_pawn_promotion function. 主要问题是我如何定义is_pawn_promotion函数。 I changed that to the following: 我将其更改为以下内容:

var is_pawn_promotion = function() {
  return ui.draggable.data('pieceType') === 'Pawn' &&
    (y === 0 || y === 7); 

I also had to add the data-piece-type property to the actual piece in the view like so: 我还必须将data-piece-type属性添加到视图中的实际片段中,如下所示:

<div class="piece" data-url="<%= game_piece_path(piece.game, piece)%>" data-piece-type="<%= piece.piece_type %>">
  <%= image_tag(piece.piece_image) %>

Now the modal opens when a pawn piece is in a position to be promoted. 现在,当典当块处于要提升的位置时,模式会打开。

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