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[英]HTML5 Game Development

I'm making an illustrated storybook, with the user clicking to read the next part of the story. 我正在制作带插图的故事书,用户单击以阅读故事的下一部分。 I've made three different scenes (three different pages). 我做了三个不同的场景(三个不同的页面)。 I can switch from scene One to scene two using eventListener, but I am not able to switch from scene Two to scene Three. 我可以使用eventListener从场景1切换到场景2,但是无法从场景2切换到场景3。

I want to be able to switch between the scenes as in 我希望能够像这样在场景之间切换

When the user clicks the mouse: 当用户单击鼠标时:

  • if the current scene is the first one, go to the second 如果当前场景是第一个,请转到第二个
  • if the current scene is the second one, go to the third 如果当前场景是第二场景,请转到第三场景
  • if the current scene is the third one, go back to the first 如果当前场景是第三个场景,请返回第一个场景

But I'm not sure how to do it. 但是我不确定该怎么做。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。 Thanks! 谢谢!

I should also mention I'm learning the basics so that I can move forward with Game Development. 我还应该提到我正在学习基础知识,以便我可以继续进行游戏开发。 And so this is a very basic code. 因此,这是一个非常基本的代码。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

var c = document.querySelector("#c");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");

var x = document.getElementById("c");
    //Scene One
    function sceneOne(){
       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(235,247,255)";
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 85, 255)";
        ctx.font = "70px Impact";
        ctx.fillText("The Story of Winston", 40, 130); 

   //Scene Two
   function sceneTwo() {
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(173,239,255)";
        ctx.fillStyle="rgb(7, 14, 145)";
        ctx.fillText("Lil Winston is born!", 10, 100);

    //Scee Three
    function sceneThree() {
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(173,239,255)";
        ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(7, 14, 145)";
        ctx.fillText("Winston grows up!", 10, 100);
       //Calling scene one

The example below contains the functionality that you require. 下面的示例包含所需的功能。

In summary: 综上所述:

  • We use the currentScene variable to keep track of which screen the user is currently on 我们使用currentScene变量来跟踪用户当前所在的屏幕
  • Within our event listener we use a switch statement to call the appropriate function to display the next screen, depending on which screen the user is currently on 在事件监听器中,我们使用switch语句调用适当的函数以显示下一个屏幕,具体取决于用户当前所处的屏幕

 var c = document.querySelector("#c"); c.width = 800; c.height = 200; var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); // Init variable to store screen the user is on var currentScene; // Load next screen when user clicks the canvas c.addEventListener("click", function(){ switch(currentScene) { case 1: sceneTwo(); break; case 2: sceneThree(); break; case 3: sceneOne(); break; } }); //Scene One function sceneOne(){ currentScene = 1; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(235,247,255)"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,750,750); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 85, 255)"; ctx.font = "70px Impact"; ctx.fillText("The Story of Winston", 40, 130); }; //Scene Two function sceneTwo() { currentScene = 2; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(173,239,255)"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,750,750); ctx.fillStyle="rgb(7, 14, 145)"; ctx.fillText("Lil Winston is born!", 10, 100); }; //Scee Three function sceneThree() { currentScene = 3; ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(173,239,255)"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,750,750); ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(7, 14, 145)"; ctx.fillText("Winston grows up!", 10, 100); }; //Calling scene one sceneOne(); 
 <canvas id="c"></canvas> 

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