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[英]How to establish a bi directional connection with ssl certificate?

I'm trying to connect with one of my client to call api methods from their server, the client want to have a bi-directional commnunication, they shared their security certificate which contains CACert.crt, another file with .crt, .key, .p7b, .pfx files. 我正在尝试与我的一个客户端连接以从其服务器调用api方法,该客户端希望进行双向通信,他们共享了其安全证书,其中包含CACert.crt,另一个文件与.crt,.key, .p7b,.pfx文件。 Now They want us to share our certificate. 现在,他们希望我们分享我们的证书。 I've following questions: 我有以下问题:

  1. How I install their certificate? 我如何安装他们的证书?
  2. How I can generate my certificate? 如何生成证书? Do I need to purchase certificate for this or I need to generate something based on their certificate? 我需要为此购买证书,还是需要根据他们的证书生成某些东西?
  3. They mentioned about DataPower public certificate. 他们提到了有关DataPower公共证书的信息。 After Googling, I found Datapower is from the IBM, can I create a free certificate from it? 谷歌搜索之后,我发现Datapower来自IBM,可以从中创建免费证书吗?

I'm absolutely new to this, tried to google a lot, but couldn't make much sense. 我对此绝对陌生,尝试过很多Google搜索,但没有太多意义。

It sounds like your client wants you to use a client certificate . 听起来您的客户希望您使用客户证书 They've provided you with a CA for you to use; 他们为您提供了一个CA供您使用。 just use that to fulfill the signing request for the certificate you generate. 只需使用它来满足您生成的证书的签名请求。

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