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给定文件结构,如何部署ASP.NET Core MVC项目

[英]How to deploy an ASP.NET Core MVC project given its file structure

I created a web application from the Visual Studio template called ASP.NET Core Web Application , which has a file structure like 我从Visual Studio模板ASP.NET Core Web Application创建了一个Web应用程序 ,其文件结构如下


Can I just do a Web Deploy to the named Website in IIS, just like I would a normal ASP.NET MVC site? 是否可以像在普通的ASP.NET MVC网站中一样将Web部署到IIS中的命名网站 Or does this different file structure (I'm not used to seeing wwwroot in MVC source code) mean I have to do something special? 还是这种不同的文件结构(我不习惯在MVC源代码中看到wwwroot)意味着我必须做一些特别的事情?

Yes can deploy the .Core Site same as ASP.NET MVC except you have to 是的,可以与ASP.NET MVC一样部署.Core网站,除了必须

1> Check where you have install DotNetCore.1.1.0-WindowsHosting if not please install it. 1>如果没有,请检查您在哪里安装了DotNetCore.1.1.0-WindowsHosting。 install 安装

2> Set "No Managed Code" for .NET Framework version under application pool of your site. 2>在站点的应用程序池下为.NET Framework版本设置“无托管代码”。

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