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[英]ng-Click affects to different controller

I am using angularjs UI bootstrap to make tabs. 我正在使用angularjs UI引导程序来制作选项卡。 I have buttons in navbar that switches to different tabs. 我在导航栏中有可切换到不同选项卡的按钮。 navbar with its own controller is nested inside the main controller. 带有自己的控制器的navbar嵌套在主控制器内。 I wanted to know on how to make the buttons in the navbar switch tabs too. 我也想知道如何在导航栏切换选项卡中创建按钮。

i have a plunk here or html and js below 我在这里或下面的HTML和JS

<div ng-controller="TabsDemoCtrl">

  <div ng-controller="navbarcontroller">
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <a class="navbar-brand" >Brand
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" ng-class="!navCollapsed && 'in'">
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" style="pointer-events: auto;">
            <!-- this buttons dosnt works --> 
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="active = 1">Select 1st tab</button>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="active = 2">Select 2nd tab</button>
<p> -----  navbar controller ends here ----- </p>


  <p> ---- tab controller starts here ------ </p>
   <!-- this buttons  works --> 
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="active = 1">Select 1st tab</button>
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="active = 2">Select 2nd tab</button>

  <uib-tabset active="active">
    <uib-tab index="1"  heading="Tab1" >
      Content 1
    <uib-tab index="2"  heading="Tab1" >
      Content 2

this is the js file 这是js文件

angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ngAnimate', 'ngSanitize', 'ui.bootstrap']);

.controller('TabsDemoCtrl', function ($scope, $window) {


.controller('navbarcontroller', function ($scope, $window) {


You have to share your active property between both controllers. 您必须在两个控制器之间共享 active属性 For that we need to change a little bit some things. 为此,我们需要进行一些更改。

1- You have to implement a service (let's call it tabSelector ), something like this: 1-您必须实现一个服务(我们将其tabSelector ),如下所示:

.service('tabSelector', function(){

2- Now, in both TabsDemoCtrl and navbarcontroller you need to use the previously created service and implement two functions which use the tabSelector service, like this: 2-现在,在TabsDemoCtrlnavbarcontroller您都需要使用先前创建的服务,并实现两个使用tabSelector服务的功能,如下所示:

//this should be done with 'TabsDemoCtrl' and 'navbarcontroller' (this last one was omitted for brevity)
.controller('TabsDemoCtrl', function ($scope, $window, tabSelector) {

    //set the active tab
    $scope.selectTab = function(tab){
      tabSelector.active = tab;
    //keep synced the active tab
    $scope.getActive = function(){
      return tabSelector.active;


3- In your view: 3-您认为:

  • Replace the content of the ng-clik ( active = 1 ) with this : selectTab(1) (functions in the controllers). 用以下命令替换ng-clikactive = 1 )的内容: selectTab(1) (控制器中的功能)。 Note that you have to replace 1 for the proper value. 请注意,您必须将1替换为适当的值。
  • And the content of <uib-tabset active="active"> for <uib-tabset active="getActive()"> 以及<uib-tabset active="active"><uib-tabset active="getActive()">

Please, refer to this working example (your plunker forked) 请参考此工作示例 (您的punker分叉了)

You can find some related info here: 您可以在此处找到一些相关信息:

  1. Share data between AngularJS controllers 在AngularJS控制器之间共享数据
  2. Passing data between controllers in Angular JS? 在Angular JS的控制器之间传递数据?
  3. How to share data between controllers in angularjs 如何在angularjs中的控制器之间共享数据
  4. Sharing data between controllers in AngularJS 在AngularJS中的控制器之间共享数据

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