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我们是否应该一开始就从Docker Hub安装Docker映像?

[英]Should we install a docker image from Docker Hub at the begining?

I want to introduce docker for my development environment. 我想为我的开发环境介绍docker。

I wanted to create a docker image from a existing linux machine. 我想从现有的Linux机器上创建一个docker映像。 But,I could not find a official method on docker documentation. 但是,我在Docker文档上找不到官方方法。 https://docs.docker.com/learn/ (I know there are some ways on the Internet to create a docker image like converting .iso file to .tar.gz file. However,it's not official) https://docs.docker.com/learn/ (我知道互联网上有一些创建docker映像的方法,例如将.iso文件转换为.tar.gz文件。但是,这不是官方的)

After that,I installed a docker image of Debian OS from Docker Hub with 'docker pull' command. 之后,我使用“ docker pull”命令从Docker Hub安装了Debian OS的docker镜像。 However,I could not find a correct version of Debian OS I wanted. 但是,我找不到想要的正确版本的Debian OS。

So, to get a OS of a correct kernel verion and a correct Debian os version, after I install a docker image from Docker Hub, should I customize it? 那么,要获得具有正确内核版本和正确Debian os版本的操作系统,在从Docker Hub安装Docker映像后,是否应该对其进行自定义? Is there any way as an official manner to create a docker image from a exisiting linux machine? 有什么正式的方法可以从现有的Linux机器上创建docker镜像吗?

Sounds like you should be looking at Hashicorp's packer, it would allow you to build your own Docker base images, from whatever base you wish. 听起来您应该在研究Hashicorp的打包器,它可以让您根据所需的基础构建自己的Docker基础映像。

https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/docker.html https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/docker.html

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