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[英]Alexa-SDK Audio Issue

I've been trying to make an alexa skill that involves audio. 我一直在尝试制作涉及音频的alexa技能。 I found a great guide here . 我在这里找到了很棒的指南。

Here is their example code: 这是他们的示例代码:

var stateByUser = {};
var podcastURL = "https://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/309340878-user-652822799-episode-010-building-an-alexa-skill-with-flask-ask-with-john-wheeler.mp3";

// Entry-point for the Lambda
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
    var player = new SimplePlayer(event, context);

// The SimplePlayer has helpful routines for interacting with Alexa, within minimal overhead
var SimplePlayer = function (event, context) {
    this.event = event;
    this.context = context;

// Handles an incoming Alexa request
SimplePlayer.prototype.handle = function () {
    var requestType = this.event.request.type;
    var userId = this.event.context ? this.event.context.System.user.userId : this.event.session.user.userId;
    var response = null;

    // On launch, we tell the user what they can do (Play audio :-))
    if (requestType === "LaunchRequest") {
        this.say("Welcome to the Simple Audio Player. Say Play to play some audio!", "You can say Play");

    // Handle Intents here - Play, Pause and Resume is all for now
    } else if (requestType === "IntentRequest") {
        var intent = this.event.request.intent;
        if (intent.name === "Play") {
            this.play(podcastURL, 0);

        } else if (intent.name === "AMAZON.PauseIntent") {
            // When we receive a Pause Intent, we need to issue a stop directive
            //  Otherwise, it will resume playing - essentially, we are confirming the user's action

        } else if (intent.name === "AMAZON.ResumeIntent") {
            var lastPlayed = this.load(userId);
            var offsetInMilliseconds = 0;
            if (lastPlayed !== null) {
                offsetInMilliseconds = lastPlayed.request.offsetInMilliseconds;

            this.play(podcastURL, offsetInMilliseconds);
    } else if (requestType === "AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped") {
        // We save off the PlaybackStopped Intent, so we know what was last playing
        this.save(userId, this.event);


 * Creates a proper Alexa response using Text-To-Speech
 * @param message
 * @param repromptMessage
SimplePlayer.prototype.say = function (message, repromptMessage) {
    var response = {
        version: "1.0",
        response: {
            shouldEndSession: false,
            outputSpeech: {
                type: "SSML",
                ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"
            reprompt: {
                outputSpeech: {
                    type: "SSML",
                    ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"

 * Plays a particular track, from specific offset
 * @param audioURL The URL to play
 * @param offsetInMilliseconds The point from which to play - we set this to something other than zero when resuming
SimplePlayer.prototype.play = function (audioURL, offsetInMilliseconds) {
    var response = {
        version: "1.0",
        response: {
            shouldEndSession: true,
            directives: [
                    type: "AudioPlayer.Play",
                    playBehavior: "REPLACE_ALL", // Setting to REPLACE_ALL means that this track will start playing immediately
                    audioItem: {
                        stream: {
                            url: audioURL,
                            token: "0", // Unique token for the track - needed when queueing multiple tracks
                            expectedPreviousToken: null, // The expected previous token - when using queues, ensures safety
                            offsetInMilliseconds: offsetInMilliseconds


// Stops the playback of Audio
SimplePlayer.prototype.stop = function () {
    var response = {
        version: "1.0",
        response: {
            shouldEndSession: true,
            directives: [
                    type: "AudioPlayer.Stop"


// Saves information into our super simple, not-production-grade cache
SimplePlayer.prototype.save = function (userId, state) {
    console.log("Save: " + userId);
    stateByUser[userId] = state;

// Load information from our super simple, not-production-grade cache
SimplePlayer.prototype.load = function (userId) {
    console.log("Load: " + userId);
    var state = null;
    if (userId in stateByUser) {
        state = stateByUser[userId];
        console.log("Loaded " + userId + " State: " + state);
    return state;

I am trying to refactor this code so that it follows a similar format to the trivia skills example that amazon provides. 我正在尝试重构此代码,以便它遵循与亚马逊提供的琐事技巧示例类似的格式。 However, when I run my refactored code I get an error saying 但是,当我运行我的重构代码时,我得到一个错误说

TypeError: Cannot set property 'say' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/Rob/Desktop/super-simple-audio-player/index.js:47:28)

Here is my attempt at refactoring 这是我重构的尝试

"use strict";

var stateByUser = {};
var podcastURL = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2385471a5d35709ad90e368dacabe4082af4541a?cid=null";
var Alexa = require("alexa-sdk");
// Entry-point for the Lambda
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
    var alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context);



// The SimplePlayer has helpful routines for interacting with Alexa, within minimal overhead
var SimplePlayer = {
  "LaunchRequest": function () {
        this.emit(":tell","Welcome to the Simple Audio Player. Say play to begin.");

    "Play": function() {
        this.play(podcastURL, 0);
    "AMAZON.PauseIntent": function() {
    "AMAZON.ResumeIntent": function () {
      var lastPlayed = this.load(userId);
      var offsetInMilliseconds = 0;
      if (lastPlayed !== null) {
          offsetInMilliseconds = lastPlayed.request.offsetInMilliseconds;

      this.play(podcastURL, offsetInMilliseconds);
    "AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped": function () {
      this.save(userId, this.event);

// Handles an incoming Alexa request

SimplePlayer.prototype.say = function (message, repromptMessage) {
    var response = {
        version: "1.0",
        response: {
            shouldEndSession: false,
            outputSpeech: {
                type: "SSML",
                ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"
            reprompt: {
                outputSpeech: {
                    type: "SSML",
                    ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"

 * Plays a particular track, from specific offset
 * @param audioURL The URL to play
 * @param offsetInMilliseconds The point from which to play - we set this to something other than zero when resuming
SimplePlayer.prototype.play = function (audioURL, offsetInMilliseconds) {
    var response = {
        version: "1.0",
        response: {
            shouldEndSession: true,
            directives: [
                    type: "AudioPlayer.Play",
                    playBehavior: "REPLACE_ALL", // Setting to REPLACE_ALL means that this track will start playing immediately
                    audioItem: {
                        stream: {
                            url: audioURL,
                            token: "0", // Unique token for the track - needed when queueing multiple tracks
                            expectedPreviousToken: null, // The expected previous token - when using queues, ensures safety
                            offsetInMilliseconds: offsetInMilliseconds


// Stops the playback of Audio
SimplePlayer.prototype.stop = function () {
    var response = {
        version: "1.0",
        response: {
            shouldEndSession: true,
            directives: [
                    type: "AudioPlayer.Stop"


// Saves information into our super simple, not-production-grade cache
SimplePlayer.prototype.save = function (userId, state) {
    console.log("Save: " + userId);
    stateByUser[userId] = state;

// Load information from our super simple, not-production-grade cache
SimplePlayer.prototype.load = function (userId) {
    console.log("Load: " + userId);
    var state = null;
    if (userId in stateByUser) {
        state = stateByUser[userId];
        console.log("Loaded " + userId + " State: " + state);
    return state;

I've added alexa-sdk and changed the exports.handler and the simplePlayer.prototype.handler(). 我添加了alexa-sdk并更改了exports.handler和simplePlayer.prototype.handler()。 Any thoughts as to why it is not working? 有什么想法,为什么它不工作?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

I actually created the project you reference. 我实际创建了你引用的项目。 Glad you are finding it useful. 很高兴你发现它很有用。

In re-factoring the project, you changed it from prototype-style JS object to an object literal. 在重新分解项目时,您将其从原型样式的JS对象更改为对象文字。 Both are viable approaches, but the object literal becomes a problem when holding the state for a particular request (the event and context fields in particular). 两者都是可行的方法,但是当保持特定请求的状态(特别是事件和上下文字段)时,对象文字成为问题。

It also means that the prototype methods defined in the project are not available from the object literal definition. 它还意味着项目中定义的原型方法不能从对象文字定义中获得。 You need to instantiate SimplePlayer (by calling new SimplePlayer(event, context) ) before you will get those. 您需要实例化SimplePlayer(通过调用new SimplePlayer(event, context) ),然后才能获得它们。

If you want to understand the trade-off between these approaches better, you can read here: 如果您想更好地理解这些方法之间的权衡,可以在这里阅读:
Object literal vs constructor+prototype 对象文字与构造函数+原型

Here is an example of working with the Alexa SDK consistent with my project. 以下是使用与我的项目一致的Alexa SDK的示例。 It defines the "LaunchRequest" function as a prototype function rather than simply a property: 它将“LaunchRequest”函数定义为原型函数,而不仅仅是属性:

SimplePlayer.prototype.LaunchRequest = function () {
    this.emit(":tell", "Welcome to the Simple Audio Player. Say play to begin.");

You also need to make sure to instantiate the SimplePlayer (not just reference it). 您还需要确保实例化SimplePlayer(不仅仅是引用它)。 When registering it, it should look like this: 注册时,它应如下所示:

alexa.registerHandlers(new SimplePlayer(event, context));

Hope that makes sense, and good luck with it! 希望有道理,祝你好运! Let me know how it goes (I can always be reached at https://gitter.im/bespoken/bst ) 让我知道它是怎么回事(我总是可以通过https://gitter.im/bespoken/bst与我联系

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