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[英]Please explain how I can make this higher order function work

I am trying to understand how enhancers or high order functions work in JavaScript and how I can compose functions to deliver a decorated functionality. 我试图了解enhancershigh order functions如何在JavaScript中工作,以及如何组合函数以提供修饰的功能。

So I have a basic user factory function: 所以我有一个基本的user工厂功能:

function user() {
  return {
    name: 'amit',
    age: 41

Now I want add authentication behavior like a mock login method to this factory. 现在,我想向该工厂添加身份验证行为,例如模拟login方法。 So I write this enhancer 所以我写了这个增强器

function authUser(fn) {
  fn.login = () => {
    return 'you are now logged in'
  return fn

Now I pass user into this enhancer 现在,我将user传递到此增强器中

let loggedInUser = authUser(user)

But when I try to call the login method like this... 但是当我尝试像这样调用login方法时...


I get 我懂了

Uncaught TypeError: loggedInUser(...).login is not a function

I understand that I am not really calling the fn being passed into the enhancer and that is why probably I am not getting the behavior I want. 我知道我并不是真正地将fn传递给增强器,这就是为什么我可能没有得到想要的行为的原因。

  • But where do I call it? 但是我在哪里称呼它呢? and
  • how do I correctly enhance the original user object with a login method or add more properties to it after definition? 如何在定义后使用登录方法正确增强原始user对象或向其添加更多属性?

It's because you're actually assigning login property to function fn , not the returned value of fn . 这是因为你实际上指定login属性的功能fn ,而不是返回值fn You can try calling loggedInUser.login() instead of loggedInUser().login() to see the result. 您可以尝试调用loggedInUser.login()而不是loggedInUser().login()来查看结果。

user loggedInUser.login() instead of loggedInUser().login() , 用户loggingInUser.login()而不是loggingInUser()。login()


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