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[英]Validate Routes in vue

I have set multiple routes on one page, and I want to validate only one route I am using the following code: 我在一页上设置了多个路由,并且我只想验证一条路由,而我正在使用以下代码:

 beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) { if(firstString=='a'||firstString=='A'){ if(parseInt(substring1) > 219028 && parseInt(substring1) < 386817){ console.log("Valid") } else{ alert("Invalid Seat No...!!") next({ path: '/' }); this.$refs.seatno1.focus(); } }, 
 <router-link :to="'institute_details/' + seatno " class="btn btn-success" > <span v-on:click.capture="validateData">LINK</span> </router-link> <router-link :to="'institute_details/' + agriculture" data-toggle="tooltip" title="agri" data-placement="right" class="btn btn-danger">Agri</router-link> 

I want to validate "'institute_details/' + seatno " only. 我只想验证“'institute_details /'+ seatno”。

First, you can use regex / dynamic patterns in your route syntax to match relevant address. 首先,您可以在路由语法中使用正则表达式/动态模式来匹配相关地址。 That should cover most use cases. 那应该涵盖大多数用例。

In this simple example you can recover the parameter inside the component in this.$route.params.location . 在这个简单的示例中,您可以在this.$route.params.location恢复组件内部的参数。

new VueRouter({
  routes: [
    { path: 'institute_details/:location', component: somePage }

For more details about it (such as advanced regex use) see: https://router.vuejs.org/en/essentials/dynamic-matching.html 有关它的更多详细信息(例如高级正则表达式的使用),请参见: https : //router.vuejs.org/en/essentials/dynamic-matching.html

Additionnaly, as you did, you can use the navigation guard, either globally or on a component level, to do some fancier tests, and reject the navigation if it does not please you. 此外,像您所做的那样,您可以全局或在组件级别使用导航保护功能,进行一些更高级的测试,如果不满意,请拒绝导航。 Just call next(false) . 只需调用next(false)

beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
    if (to.params.location === 'you-shall-not-pass') {
    else {

See: https://router.vuejs.org/en/advanced/navigation-guards.html 请参阅: https//router.vuejs.org/en/advanced/navigation-guards.html

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