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[英]Unable to uninstall Python

I have tried everything suggested in other posts, but nothing seems to completely uninstall Python. 我已经尝试了其他帖子中建议的所有内容,但似乎没有什么可以完全卸载Python。

  1. I had installed Python 3, which I uninstalled through Control Panel. 我已经安装了Python 3,可以通过“控制面板”将其卸载。
  2. I uninstalled Jupyter. 我卸载了Jupyter。
  3. I found the conda folder and manually deleted it. 我找到了conda文件夹并手动将其删除。
  4. I ran a search for any python.exe file in my entire computer and the computer came up empty handed. 我在整个计算机上搜索了任何python.exe文件,计算机空手而起。
  5. I looked at my system variables, but the only variables I have are for MATLAB and Java. 我查看了系统变量,但仅有的变量适用于MATLAB和Java。 None say Python. 没有人说Python。

However, if I open up Bash on Windows 10 and type in Python, the command line pops up with the following message. 但是,如果我在Windows 10上打开Bash并输入Python,命令行将弹出并显示以下消息。

Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

I have no idea how I'm still able to Python! 我不知道我怎么还能使用Python! Please help me debug this! 请帮我调试一下!

Figured out where the python is being called from. 找出从哪里调用python。 Apparently, if you enable Bash on Windows 10, it comes with Python preinstalled. 显然,如果您在Windows 10上启用了Bash,则预装了Python。 Hence, you can't find it Programs , but it is there in the Bash folder. 因此,您找不到它Programs ,但是它在Bash文件夹中。

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