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Html.RadioButtonFor MVC绑定

[英]Html.RadioButtonFor MVC Binding

My view has one string property. 我的视图有一个字符串属性。 Doing a get request through an action result and sending to view -- it looks like this: 通过操作结果执行get请求并发送到视图 - 它看起来像这样:

public ActionResult TeaCoffeView(string teaOrCoffee)
    MyModel model = new MyModel();
    //do some stuff
    //teaOrCoffee has two values , if "T" i have
    //to make the view as tea radio button selected 
    //or if it has "C" then coffee radio button selected 

    return View(model);

my view .cshtml 我的观点.cshtml

@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m._teaOrCoffee, Model._teaOrCoffee)  
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m._teaOrCoffee, Model._teaOrCoffee) 

Model 模型

public string _teaOrCoffee {get; set;}

How to bind the value with @Html.RadioButtonFor so that when loads it should show as selected? 如何将值与@Html.RadioButtonFor绑定,以便在加载时它应显示为选中状态?

Use the second argument in @Html.RadioButtonFor() to set the value for which it should be selected. 使用@Html.RadioButtonFor()的第二个参数来设置应该选择它的值。

@Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model._teaOrCoffee, "T") @Html.Label("tea:")
@Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model._teaOrCoffee, "C") @Html.Label("coffe:")

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