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Angular -Js $ http.post在django中不起作用

[英]Angular -Js $http.post not working in django

I have just started Django and what I was trying to implement $http.post method of angular to post form data to my Django database,and my further plan was to update the view to display the results without page refresh.so what i thought to post data in django db and then my view function will return a jsonresponse,of that posted data which i can use to update the view using $http.get method. 我刚开始使用Django,并尝试实现angular的$ http.post方法以将表单数据发布到Django数据库,而我的进一步计划是更新视图以显示结果而无需页面刷新。在django db中发布数据,然后我的视图函数将返回该发布数据的jsonresponse,我可以使用它使用$ http.get方法来更新视图。

But the problem is occuring with me is whenever i post data it is not able to post the data and returning an empty json response. 但是我发生的问题是,每当我发布数据时,它就无法发布数据并返回空的json响应。

Here is my codes which i am working on:- 这是我正在处理的代码:-

urls.py urls.py

from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views


views.py views.py

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse,JsonResponse
from .forms import CardForm
from .models import Card
# Create your views here.

def add_card(request):
    saved = False
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = CardForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            card = Card()
            card.content = form.cleaned_data['content']
            saved = True
        return JsonResponse({'body':list(q.content for q in Card.objects.order_by('-id')[:15])})

        return HttpResponse(
            json.dumps({"nothing to see": "this isn't happening"}),

def index(request):
    return render(request,'demo/index.html',{'form':CardForm()})

controller.js controller.js

var nameSpace = angular.module("ajax", ['ngCookies']);

nameSpace.controller("MyFormCtrl", ['$scope', '$http', '$cookies',
function ($scope, $http, $cookies) {
    $http.defaults.headers.post['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
    // To send the csrf code.
    $http.defaults.headers.post['X-CSRFToken'] = $cookies.get('csrftoken');

    // This function is called when the form is submitted.
    $scope.submit = function ($event) {
        // Prevent page reload.
        // Send the data.
        var in_data = jQuery.param({'content': $scope.card.content,'csrfmiddlewaretoken': $cookies.csrftoken});
        $http.post('add_card/', in_data)
          .then(function(json) {
            // Reset the form in case of success.
            $scope.card = angular.copy({});

My models.py:- 我的models.py:-

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.
class Card(models.Model):
    content = models.TextField()
    date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.content

My forms.py- 我的forms.py-

from django import forms
from .models import Card

class CardForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Card
        fields = ['content']

You have some problems in your view.py code. 您的view.py代码中存在一些问题。

  1. You need to create a new object in your database from the request data 您需要根据请求数据在数据库中创建一个新对象
  2. You need to return the new data as a response 您需要返回新数据作为响应

     if form.is_valid(): new_content = form.cleaned_data['content'] card = Card.objects.create(content=new_content) return JsonResponse( list(Card.objects.all().order_by('-id').values('content')[:15]), safe=False ) 

    That should return a list of the content value of your first 15 objects in your Card table after creating a new object in that table by the content provided, IF your form is valid. 如果您的表单有效,则应该在Card表中创建的新对象之后,在Card表中返回前15个对象的content值的列表。

  3. Also your CardForm should be defined as follows: 另外,您的CardForm应该定义如下:

     class CardForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Card fields = ('content',) 
  4. Finally, your $http.post call is asynchronous, which means that when the .then is reached, there is a probability (almost a certainty) that the post request has not been resolved yet, thus your json.data is empty. 最后,您的$http.post调用是异步的,这意味着到达$http.post.then很有可能(几乎可以确定)尚未解决发布请求,因此json.data为空。 To solve this problem: 解决此问题的方法:

     $http.post('add_card/', in_data) .then((json) => { // Reset the form in case of success. console.log(json.data); $scope.card = angular.copy({}); }); 

    A far better read and solutions on the asynchronous-to-synchronous calls are: ES6 Promises - Calling synchronous functions within promise chain , How do you synchronously resolve a chain of es6 promises? 关于异步到同步调用的更好的阅读方法和解决方案是: ES6承诺-在promise链中调用同步函数您如何同步解析es6 promise链? and Synchronous or Sequential fetch in Service Worker Service Worker中的同步和顺序获取

Good luck :) 祝好运 :)

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