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[英]How to add a propery to a dynamic object knowing the name of the column only at runtime

This article shows how to add properties to a dynamic object. 本文介绍如何向动态对象添加属性。

dynamic contact = new ExpandoObject();
contact.Name = “Patrick Hines”;
contact.Phone = “206-555-0144”;

What if I've instead an array of columns ["Id", "Name", "Phone"] . 如果我改用["Id", "Name", "Phone"]列组成的数组怎么办?

DataTable dt = ContactRepository.GetContactInfo(sqlText, columns);

When I get the result, I'd like to do something like 当我得到结果时,我想做类似的事情

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
   dynamic contact = new ExpandoObject();

   foreach(string colName in columns)
      // extract the value of the column from the row
      // add an property that has the same name has the column name

I'm trying to avoid to have to check for each possible columns before adding it. 我试图避免在添加之前必须检查每个可能的列。

There are at least 36 columns. 至少有36列。

   contact.Phone = row["Phone"].ToString();

This last feature that I'd really like to implement to avoid all those checks. 我真正想实现的最后一项功能是避免所有这些检查。

Thank you for helping 感谢您的帮助

So, I don't know how to work with DataRow class, but I know how to work with Expando in this case: 因此,我不知道如何使用DataRow类,但是在这种情况下,我知道如何使用Expando

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    IDictionary<string,object> contact = new ExpandoObject();
    foreach(string colName in columns)
    dynamic contactDynamic = contact as ExpandoObject;

Be care! 小心点! ExpandoObject implements IDictionary interface, not Dictionary class. ExpandoObject实现IDictionary接口,而不是Dictionary类。

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