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React bootstrap Tooltip抛出错误'React.Children.only预计会收到一个React元素子元素。

[英]React bootstrap Tooltip throws error 'React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.'

I use react-bootstrap library ( https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#tooltips ) and I want to display multiple div's in a row, each single one with a tooltip. 我使用react-bootstrap库( https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#tooltips ),我希望连续显示多个div,每个div都有一个工具提示。

{ _.map(blueprint.components, (component, i) => {
    const tooltipId = 'tooltip-' + _.replace(blueprint.name, ' ', '-') + '-' + _.replace(component.name, ' ', '-');
    const tooltip = (
        <Tooltip id={ tooltipId }>
    return (
            <OverlayTrigger key={ i } placement='top' overlay={ tooltip }>
                    <ImageIcon name={ component.name } size='small'/>
}) }

This is the piece of code I have written to accomplished that. 这是我写完的代码片段。 Example blueprint object looks like that: 示例蓝图对象如下所示:

        "id": "123442b4d432d10008c650f7",
        "name": "Example Blueprint",
        "components": [
                "name": "Apache",
                "module": "apache",
                "version": "9000"

For unclear reason I get the error ' React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child. 由于不明原因,我收到错误' React.Children.only预计会收到一个React元素子。 ' thrown by " OverlayTrigger ". '抛出“ OverlayTrigger ”。

I debugged it a little and I found that inside the OverlayTrigger this.props.children is an array and I assume that it is supposed to be an object, but I have no idea what is wrong. 我调试了一下,我发现在OverlayTrigger中, this.props.children是一个数组,我认为它应该是一个对象,但我不知道出了什么问题。 The child of OverlayTrigger is single div. OverlayTrigger的孩子是单个div。 Any ideas what's the reason for the error? 任何想法错误的原因是什么?

EDIT: Error is thrown by this: 编辑:错误被抛出:

https://github.com/react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap/blob/master/src/OverlayTrigger.js#L263 https://github.com/react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap/blob/master/src/OverlayTrigger.js#L263

children variable is an array instead of an object. children变量是一个数组而不是一个对象。 I don't know why. 我不知道为什么。

Maybe this works: 也许这有效:

<OverlayTrigger key={ i } placement='top' overlay={ tooltip }>
  <ImageIcon name={ component.name } size='small'/>

The Examples in the doc contain exactly one child element - no multiple dimensions. doc中的示例只包含一个子元素 - 没有多维。 ( https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#tooltips-overlay-trigger )eg: https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#tooltips-overlay-trigger )例如:

<OverlayTrigger placement="top" overlay={tooltip}>
  <Button bsStyle="default">Holy guacamole!</Button>

用单个<div>包裹{ _.map ... }

Ok, I found out what was the problem. 好的,我发现了什么问题。 It was very specific case. 这是非常具体的案例。

In short it was like this: 总之,它是这样的:

    { _.map(blueprint.components, (component, i) => {
        const tooltipId = 'tooltip-' + _.replace(blueprint.name, ' ', '-') + '-' + _.replace(component.name, ' ', '-');
        const tooltip = (
            <Tooltip id={ tooltipId }>
        return (
                <OverlayTrigger key={ i } placement='top' overlay={ tooltip }>
                        <ImageIcon name={ component.name } size='small'/>
    }) }

And SomeOtherComponent was modifying all of the it's children recursively. 并且SomeOtherComponent以递归方式修改了它的所有子节点。 Simplifying SomeOtherComponent looked like this: 简化SomeOtherComponent看起来像这样:

const SomeOtherComponent = createClass({
    cloneChildrenWithProps(children) {
        return React.Children.map(children, child => {
            return child;
    render() {
        const { children } = this.props;
        return (
                { this.cloneChildrenWithProps(children) }

And this changed children from object to one item array. 这将孩子从对象改为一个项目数组。 I've just replaced { this.cloneChildrenWithProps(children) } with { children } and it solve the problem. 我刚刚用{ this.cloneChildrenWithProps(children) }替换了{ this.cloneChildrenWithProps(children) } { children } ,它解决了这个问题。


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