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[英]Extend angular bootstrap confirm directive

I have to add some application specific functionality to angular bootstrap confirm directive . 我必须向角度引导确认指令添加一些特定于应用程序的功能。

I can easily use it directly in my code but when I try to use it by creating my own directive, I keep on getting module injector error. 我可以轻松地在代码中直接使用它,但是当我尝试通过创建自己的指令来使用它时,我会不断遇到模块注入器错误。

Error: [$injector:unpr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.8/$injector/unpr?p0=mwlConfirmProvider%20%3C-%20mwlConfirm%20%3C-%20myDirective

Global Declaration 全球宣言


Directive 指示

    .directive('myDirective', directive);

directive.$inject = ['mwlConfirm'];

function directive(mwlConfirm) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: linkFunction

    function linkFunction(scope, element, attrs) {

          //code removed for brevity
          var confirmOptions = ...
          mwlConfirm.value('confirmationPopoverDefaults', confirmOptions);

What's wrong with the code? 代码有什么问题?

I don't think you can inject directives as a dependency into another directive. 我认为您不能将指令作为依赖项注入到另一个指令中。 You can do this with services and factories, but directives are applied to the DOM. 您可以使用服务和工厂来执行此操作,但是指令将应用于DOM。

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