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[英]How can I get ALL class properties in JavaScript

Is it somehow possible to get all properties of a class through JavaScript? 是否有可能通过JavaScript获得类的所有属性? Lets say I have a class 可以说我有一堂课

.menu { color: black; width: 10px; }

How can I get " color: black; width: 10px; " as a string through JavaScript? 如何通过JavaScript以字符串形式获取“ color:black; width:10px; ”?

Thank you! 谢谢!

You can use getComputedStyle(). 您可以使用getComputedStyle()。 This will find all inline-style or css styling done in a css file..This returns all properties computed of the element 这将找到在css文件中完成的所有内联样式或css样式。这将返回元素计算的所有属性。

See snippet below 请参见下面的代码段

 var el=document.getElementsByClassName("menu")[0]; style=getComputedStyle(el); console.log(style); 
 .menu{ color:green; background:blue; opacity:1 } 
 <div class="menu"></div> 

You can also get a specific property from the class in the above snippet, example 您还可以从上述代码段的类中获取特定属性,例如


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