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[英]How to read in special characters to Python

I am parsing in an XML file with special characters from foreign languages in some of the author names (í = í , ï = ï , ò = ò etc) . 我正在解析XML文件,其中包含来自某些作者姓名的外语特殊字符(í = í , ï = ï , ò = ò etc) My code gets caught up with an error "ExpatError: undefined entity:" when trying to process these characters. 尝试处理这些字符时,我的代码陷入错误“ ExpatError:未定义实体:”。 I have seen BeautifulSoup library online, but unsure how to easily implement that into my code without having to rewrite using the lxml library (if my understanding is correct). 我已经在网上看到BeautifulSoup库,但是不确定如何轻松地将其实现到我的代码中而不必使用lxml库进行重写(如果我的理解是正确的话)。 What is the best way to solve this? 解决此问题的最佳方法是什么? Cheers! 干杯!

XML data to load XML数据加载

    <title>Use of Lexicon Density in Evaluating Word Recognizers</title>
    <booktitle>Multiple Classifier Systems</booktitle>
        <author>Petr Slav&iacute;k</author>
        <author>Venu Govindaraju</author>

Python code Python代码

import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect("publications.db")
cur = con.cursor()

from xml.dom import minidom

xmldoc = minidom.parse("test.xml")

#loop through <pub> tags to find number of pubs to grab
root = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("root")[0]
pubs = [a.firstChild.data for a in root.getElementsByTagName("pub")]
num_pubs = len(pubs)
count = 0

while(count < num_pubs):

    #get data from each <pub> tag
    temp_pub = root.getElementsByTagName("pub")[count]
    temp_ID = temp_pub.getElementsByTagName("ID")[0].firstChild.data
    temp_title = temp_pub.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].firstChild.data
    temp_year = temp_pub.getElementsByTagName("year")[0].firstChild.data
    temp_booktitle = temp_pub.getElementsByTagName("booktitle")[0].firstChild.data
    temp_pages = temp_pub.getElementsByTagName("pages")[0].firstChild.data
    temp_authors = temp_pub.getElementsByTagName("authors")[0]
    temp_author_array = [a.firstChild.data for a in temp_authors.getElementsByTagName("author")]
    num_authors = len(temp_author_array)
    count = count + 1

    #process results into sqlite
    pub_params = (temp_ID, temp_title)
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO publication (id, ptitle) VALUES (?, ?)", pub_params)
    journal_params = (temp_booktitle, temp_pages, temp_year)
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO journal (jtitle, pages, year) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", journal_params)
    x = 0
    while(x < num_authors):
        cur.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO authors (name) VALUES (?)", (temp_author_array[x],))
        x = x + 1

    #display results
    print("\nEntry processed: ", count)
    print("------------------\nPublication ID: ", temp_ID)
    print("Publication Title: ", temp_title)
    print("Year: ", temp_year)
    print("Journal title: ", temp_booktitle)
    print("Pages: ", temp_pages)
    i = 0
    print("Authors: ")
    while(i < num_authors):
        i = i + 1


print("\nNumber of entries processed: ", count)  

You may decode the data you have extracted first, by simply import html if you are using python3.x 如果您使用的是python3.x,则只需导入html即可解码首先提取的数据

html.unescape(s) html.unescape

Convert all named and numeric character references (eg >, >, &x3e;) in the string s to the corresponding unicode characters. 将字符串s中的所有命名和数字字符引用(例如>,>和&x3e;)转换为相应的unicode字符。

>>import html
>>print(html.unescape("Petr Slav&iacute;k"))

Petr Slavík

Seems the html-safe character cannot be parsed and returned as Document object by minidom, you have to read the file and decode it, then send as a string to the module, as the following code. 似乎html-safe字符不能被最小限度地解析并作为Document对象返回,您必须读取文件并将其解码,然后作为字符串发送给模块,如以下代码所示。

xml.dom.minidom.parseString(string[, parser]) xml.dom.minidom.parseString(string [,parser])

Return a Document that represents the string. 返回表示字符串的Document。

file_text = html.unescape(open('text.xml', 'r').read())
xmldoc = minidom.parseString(file_text)
.encode('UTF-8') #Add to your code at the end of the example

UTF-8 Has the support for most of these characters following, should work, Add : UTF-8具有以下大多数这些字符的支持,应该可以工作,添加:

xmldoc = minidom.parse("test.xml")
NewXML = xmldoc.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')

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