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[英]Javascript regex: only match the end of text

I would like to find out multiline texts ending with "Tr ", "Br " and linebreak ("\\n") without " _" (none-whitespace and underscore) preceded. 我想找出以“Tr”,“Br”和换行符(“\\ n”)结尾的多行文本,前面没有“_”(无空格和下划线)。 Exmples Exmples

Text 1: 文字1:

Command1 Br 
Command2 Tr 

"Command1 Br \nCommand2 Tr " //match "Tr " at the end

Text 2: 文字2:

Command3 con Tr 
Command4 Br 

"Command3 con Tr \nCommand4 Br " //match "Br " at the end

Text 3: 文字3:

Command2 Tr 
Command3 con Br 
Command4 C_

"Command2 Tr \nCommand3 con Br \nCommand4 C_\n" //match "\n" at the end after C_

Text 4: 正文4:

Command1 Tr 
Command1 Br 
Command2 Tr _

"Command1 Tr \nCommand1 Br \nCommand2 Tr _\n" //no match because of " _" preceded "\n"

Text 5: 文字5:

Command1 Tr 
Command1 Br 
Command2 mt

"Command1 Tr \nCommand1 Br \nCommand2 mt\n" //match \n at the end after "mt"

Text 6: 正文6:

Command2 ht

"\n\nCommand2 ht\n" //match \n at the end after "ht"

You may use the following regex to extract those matches: 您可以使用以下正则表达式来提取这些匹配项:

/(?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_])([BT]r|\n)[\t ]*$/

See the regex demo . 请参阅正则表达式演示

Details : 细节

  • (?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_]) - a non-capturing group matching one of the three alternatives: (?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_]) - 一个非捕获组,匹配三个备选方案之一:
    • ^ - start of a line ^ - 开始一行
    • | - or - 要么
    • [^_] - space and any char but _ [^_] - 空格和任何字符但_
    • | - or - 要么
    • [^ ]_ - any char but space and _ [^ ]_ - 任何字符,但空格和_
    • | - or - 要么
    • [^ ][^_] - any char but space and then any char but _ (thus, no space + _ ) [^ ][^_] - 任何char但空格然后是任何char但是_ (因此,没有space + _
  • ([BT]r|\\n) - Capturing group 1: either Br , Tr or a newline symbol ([BT]r|\\n) - 捕获组1: BrTr或换行符号
  • [\\t ]* - 0+ horizontal whitespaces (may be replaced with [^\\S\\r\\n] for better hor. whitespace coverage) [\\t ]* - 0+水平空格(可以替换为[^\\S\\r\\n]以获得更好的空白空间覆盖率)
  • $ - the very end of the string. $ - 字符串的结尾。

 var ss = ["Command1 Br \\nCommand2 Tr ", "Command3 con Tr \\nCommand4 Br ", "Command2 Tr \\nCommand3 con Br \\nCommand4 C_\\n", "Command1 Tr \\nCommand1 Br \\nCommand2 Tr _\\n", "Command1 Tr \\nCommand1 Br \\nCommand2 mt\\n", "\\n\\nCommand2 ht\\n"]; var rx = /(?:^| [^_]|[^ ]_|[^ ][^_])([BT]r|\\n)[\\t ]*$/; for (var s of ss) { console.log("Looking for a match in: " + s); m = rx.exec(s); if (m) { console.log("Found: " + JSON.stringify(m[1], 0, 4)); } else { console.log("No Match Found."); } } 

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