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System.Drawing.Color ToKnownName

[英]System.Drawing.Color ToKnownName

I need a opposite function from System.Drawing.Color.FromKnownName that converts System.Drawing.Color.Red to "Red" or "red". 我需要一个与System.Drawing.Color.FromKnownName相反的函数,该函数将System.Drawing.Color.Red转换为“ Red”或“ red”。

To provide example code: 提供示例代码:

    private static XElement BlipToXml(Blip blip)
        var tmp = new XElement("Blip",
           new XAttribute("X", blip.Position.X),
           new XAttribute("Y", blip.Position.Y),
           new XAttribute("Z", blip.Position.Z),
           new XAttribute("color", blip.Color.), <-- This is where i need the ToKnownName
           new XAttribute("transparency", blip.Alpha),
           new XAttribute("sprite", blip.Sprite));
        return tmp;
    private static Blip XmlToBlip(XElement xml)
        var x = float.Parse(xml.Attribute("X").ToString());
        var y = float.Parse(xml.Attribute("Y").ToString());
        var z = float.Parse(xml.Attribute("Z").ToString());
        var coords = new Vector3(x,y,z);
        var tmp = new Blip(coords);
        tmp.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(xml.Attribute("color").ToString());
        tmp.Alpha = float.Parse(xml.Attribute("transparency").ToString());
        tmp.Sprite = (BlipSprite)Enum.Parse(typeof(BlipSprite), xml.Attribute("sprite").ToString());
        tmp.Name = xml.Value;
        return tmp;

This method uses reflection to examine the predefined colors on the Color class and compare them against the color passed in as an argument. 此方法使用反射来检查Color类上的预定义颜色,并将它们与作为参数传入的颜色进行比较。

private static String GetColorName(Color color)
    var predefined = typeof(Color).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
    var match = (from p in predefined where ((Color)p.GetValue(null, null)).ToArgb() == color.ToArgb() select (Color)p.GetValue(null, null));
    if (match.Any())
       return match.First().Name;
    return String.Empty;

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