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[英]wpf toolkit chart axis title location

Is there any way to change location and/or orientation of Y-Axis title location in WPF Chart Toolkit ? 在WPF图表工具包中,有什么方法可以更改Y轴标题位置的位置和/或方向?

I need to move and rotate title like on the picture: Place where I need the rotated title 我需要像在图片上一样移动和旋转标题: 在需要旋转标题的地方

I hope this helps: 我希望这有帮助:

Considering you have added the toolkit as: 考虑到您将该工具包添加为:


Then adding this inside your /DVC:Chart> control might show similar orientation as in the pic shared: 然后将其添加到您的/ DVC:Chart>控件中可能会显示与共享图片中类似的方向:

            <DVC:LinearAxis Interval="10" Orientation="X" ShowGridLines="True" Title="Pressure (Torr)"/>
            <DVC:LinearAxis Interval="100" Orientation="Y" Location="Top" ShowGridLines="True" Title="Pumping Speed"/>

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