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SQL 服务器 - 将代理作业迁移到 Azure

[英]SQL Server - Migrate Agent Jobs to Azure

We're in the final phase of migrating our SQL Server on VM to Azure SQL Server.我们正处于将虚拟机上的 SQL 服务器迁移到 Azure SQL 服务器的最后阶段。 What is the most time-efficient approach to getting our existing SQL Server Agent Jobs out to Azure?将我们现有的 SQL 服务器代理作业转移到 Azure 的最省时的方法是什么? I've noticed that inside of SSMS, when connected to an Azure SQL Server, the Agent does not exist - we were aware of this before migrating, but I have yet to have found whether there is an Azure service that replaces the SQL Server Agent Jobs functionality.我注意到在 SSMS 内部,当连接到 Azure SQL 服务器时,代理不存在 - 我们在迁移之前就知道这一点,但我还没有发现是否有 Azure 服务替代了 SQL 服务器代理工作功能。

There are a number of options. 有很多选择。

If you need timed execution of some data momement, Azure Data Factory can be a good replacement. 如果您需要定时执行某些数据存储,则可以使用Azure数据工厂来替代。

There is also an Azure Scheduler, that is often mentioned as an alternative. 还有一个Azure Scheduler,通常被称为替代方案。 However, I believe that would work better on API's than directly on a database. 但是,我认为在API上比直接在数据库上更好。

I think the best option is Azure automation and create a runbook that connects to your database and performs some action. 我认为最好的选择是Azure自动化,并创建连接到数据库并执行某些操作的运行手册。

An interesting blog that details these options in more detail can be foond at: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/uktechnet/2016/02/05/is-sql-server-agent-missing-from-azure-sql-database/ 一个有趣的博客,其中详细介绍了这些选项,可能是愚蠢的: https ://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/uktechnet/2016/02/05/is-sql-server-agent-missing-from-azure-sql -数据库/

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