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在 HTML 电子邮件正文的字符串中添加换行符

[英]Adding Newline in string for HTML email body

I'm trying to generate an email with some basic formatting based on labels in a FormView.我正在尝试根据 FormView 中的标签生成具有一些基本格式的电子邮件。 I'm going the route of Process.Start("mailto:... instead of System.Net.Mail so the email opens up in the default email client to give the user a chance to edit To: CC: etc without making a new form just to handle that. I've got the following code-behind to handle an "Email Form" button for emailing the URL of the webform.我要走Process.Start("mailto:...而不是 System.Net.Mail 这样电子邮件会在默认电子邮件客户端中打开,让用户有机会编辑 To: CC: 等,而无需创建新表单只是为了处理这个问题。我有以下代码隐藏来处理“电子邮件表单”按钮,用于通过电子邮件发送网络表单的 URL。

protected void fvBF_ItemCommand(object sender, FormViewCommandEventArgs e)
    if (e.CommandName == "Email")
        Label lblBFID = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblBFID");
        Label lblProjectID = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblProjectNum");
        Label lblProjectName = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblProjectName");
        Label lblReleaseName = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblReleaseName");
        Label lblPMName = (Label)fvBookingForm.FindControl("lblPM");

        String strReleaseName = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lblReleaseName.Text) ? "[Description]" : lblReleaseName.Text;

        String pmFirst = lblPMName.Text.ToString().Split()[0];
        String pmLast = lblPMName.Text.ToString().Split()[1];

        String strSubject = "BF " + lblBFID.Text + " - " + lblProjectName.Text  + " - Release " + strReleaseName;
        String strBody = "A Booking Form for Project #"+ lblProjectID.Text + " - " + lblProjectName.Text + 
            " - Release " + strReleaseName + " has been created or modified. \n\n" + Request.Url.ToString();

        Process.Start("mailto:" + pmFirst + "." + pmLast + "@company.com?subject=" +
            HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(strSubject) + "&body=" +
            HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(strBody).Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine));

However, when the email is generated, there are no line breaks in the body between the "A Booking Form...." sentence and the URL.但是,当生成电子邮件时,正文中“A Booking Form...”句子和 URL 之间没有换行符。 I've tried putting Environment.NewLine directly in the string.我试过将 Environment.NewLine 直接放在字符串中。

...created or modified. " + Environment.Newline + Environment.NewLine + Request.Url.ToString();

Which basically gives me the same results.这基本上给了我相同的结果。 I've tried replacing the \n with <br /> which doesn't add the line break and for some reason, doesn't display the URL either.我试过用<br />替换 \n ,它不添加换行符,并且由于某种原因,也不显示 URL。 I can only guess that the problem has to do with the HtmlAttributeEncode() and getting it to parse the NewLine properly.我只能猜测问题与 HtmlAttributeEncode() 有关并让它正确解析 NewLine。 Is there something I'm missing here?我在这里缺少什么吗?

You might want to try .Replace("\r\n", "<br />") on the body after you have done your encoding of the body.完成正文编码,您可能想在正文上尝试.Replace("\r\n", "<br />")

You should probably use StringBuilder here instead of String.您应该在这里使用StringBuilder而不是 String。

You can then do the following:然后您可以执行以下操作:

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine(string.Format("A Booking Form for Project #{0} - {1}",lblProjectID.Text, lblProjectName.Text));
builder.AppendLine(string.Format(" - Release {0}  has been created or modified.", strReleaseName));
String strBody = builder.ToString();

You can also include (char)10 and (char)13 in your string creation.您还可以在字符串创建中包含 (char)10 和 (char)13。 eg:例如:

string.Format("First Line{0}{1}Second Line", (char)10, (char)13);

Model.Message = "my message \n second message"; Model.Message = "我的消息\n第二条消息";

then add this style to string tag style="white-space: pre-line;"然后将此样式添加到字符串标签 style="white-space: pre-line;" example <h3 style="white-space: pre-line;">@Model.Message</h3>示例<h3 style="white-space: pre-line;">@Model.Message</h3>

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