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[英]Trouble accessing JSON node generated by Umbraco custom grid editor

Background 背景

I'm new to Umbraco, and am working on creating my first custom grid editor. 我是Umbraco的新手,并且正在创建我的第一个自定义网格编辑器。 I'm trying to use an Umbraco custom grid editor to populate a simple image carousel from our official web template. 我正在尝试使用Umbraco自定义网格编辑器从我们的官方Web模板填充简单的图像轮播。 I want the user to be able to select one or more images and apply a text banner (with or without a URL). 我希望用户能够选择一个或多个图像并应用文本横幅(带有或不带有URL)。

Issue 问题

I have the image selection working, but I don't think I'm doing it in the most efficient method. 我可以选择图像,但是我认为我没有以最有效的方法进行图像选择。 I'm getting the resulting JSON object from the @Model, and then doing @Model.node.node.node until I get to the image URL. 我从@Model获取结果JSON对象,然后执行@ Model.node.node.node直到获得图像URL。 This seems like it's pretty fragile, and if the JSON ever changes then my carousel will be broken. 这似乎很脆弱,如果JSON发生更改,那么我的轮播会损坏。

Here's the editor's AngularJS HTML: 这是编辑器的AngularJS HTML:

<div ng-controller="imageCarousel.carouselController">
        <div ng-show="control.value.carousel == undefined || control.value.carousel == ''">
            <i class="icon icon-add blue"></i>
            <a href="#" ng-click="pickImage()" prevent-default="">

        <div ng-show="control.value.carousel">
            <i class="icon icon-delete red"></i>
            <a href="#" ng-click="removeImage()" prevent-default="">

    <br />

    <ul ng-repeat="item in control.value.carousel">
            {{item.id}}<br />
            <img src="{{item.properties[0].value.src}}" />

Here's what the controller looks like: 控制器的外观如下:

    function ($scope, dialogService) {

        // Initialize the carousel array of images if it isn't there already
        if (!$scope.control.value) {
            $scope.control.value = {
                carousel: []

        // Populate the carousel array of images from the multi picker
        $scope.pickImage = function () {
                multiPicker: true,
                callback: function (data) {
                    //need $scope.control.value to work in a grid
                    angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {

        // Set the carousel array to empty for now (need to figure out how to delete individual images)
        $scope.removeImage = function () {
            $scope.control.value = {
                carousel: []


Here's what the Razor renderer currently looks like: 这是Razor渲染器当前的外观:

inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<dynamic>


<div class="carousel owl-carousel carousel-content">
        foreach (var tmp in Model.value.carousel.Children())
            <div class="item">
                <img src="@tmp.properties[0].value.src" />
                <div class="content-container">
                    <div class="content">
                        <h2>Large Hero Content</h2>

Here's a dump of the @Model (for a single image): 这是@Model的转储(用于单个图像):

  "value": {
    "carousel": [
        "properties": [
            "id": 34,
            "value": {
              "src": "/media/1005/7834611966_e5efa3e3b2_o.jpg",
              "focalPoint": {
                "left": 0.47666666666666668,
                "top": 0.22546972860125261
            "alias": "umbracoFile",
            "editor": "Umbraco.ImageCropper"
            "id": 35,
            "value": "962",
            "alias": "umbracoWidth",
            "editor": "Umbraco.NoEdit"
            "id": 36,
            "value": "768",
            "alias": "umbracoHeight",
            "editor": "Umbraco.NoEdit"
            "id": 37,
            "value": "871793",
            "alias": "umbracoBytes",
            "editor": "Umbraco.NoEdit"
            "id": 38,
            "value": "jpg",
            "alias": "umbracoExtension",
            "editor": "Umbraco.NoEdit"
            "id": 41,
            "value": "",
            "alias": "linkText",
            "editor": "Umbraco.Textbox"
            "id": 40,
            "value": "",
            "alias": "linkTitle",
            "editor": "Umbraco.Textbox"
            "id": 39,
            "value": "",
            "alias": "linkURL",
            "editor": "Umbraco.Textbox"
        "updateDate": "2017-02-15 11:53:06",
        "createDate": "2017-02-15 11:53:06",
        "published": false,
        "hasPublishedVersion": false,
        "owner": {
          "id": 0,
          "name": "xxx"
        "updater": null,
        "contentTypeAlias": "bannerImage",
        "sortOrder": 4,
        "name": "7834611966_e5efa3e3b2_o.jpg",
        "id": 1088,
        "icon": "icon-slideshow color-orange",
        "trashed": false,
        "key": "fd1e3251-1597-4997-b795-f5c08c301519",
        "parentId": 1082,
        "alias": null,
        "path": "-1,1082,1088",
        "metaData": {},
        "isFolder": false,
        "thumbnail": "/media/1005/7834611966_e5efa3e3b2_o.jpg?width=500&mode=max&animationprocessmode=first",
        "image": "/media/1005/7834611966_e5efa3e3b2_o.jpg",
        "originalWidth": 962,
        "originalHeight": 768,
        "style": {
          "width": "173px",
          "height": "138px",
          "margin-right": "5px",
          "margin-bottom": "5px"
        "thumbStyle": {
          "background-image": "url('/media/1005/7834611966_e5efa3e3b2_o.jpg?width=500&mode=max&animationprocessmode=first')",
          "background-repeat": "no-repeat",
          "background-position": "center",
          "background-size": "173px 138px"
        "cssclass": "selected"
  "editor": {
    "name": "Image Carousel",
    "alias": "grid.imageCarousel",
    "view": "/App_Plugins/ImageCarousel/imageCarousel.html",
    "render": "/App_Plugins/ImageCarousel/imageCarouselRenderer.cshtml",
    "icon": "icon-layout",
    "config": {}
  "active": true


Are there any built-in functions that I can use instead of the @tmp.properties[0].value.src section I have? 有什么内置函数可以代替@ tmp.properties [0] .value.src节使用? Setting the image picker to "single" breaks that node reference. 将图像选择器设置为“单个”会中断该节点引用。

I still need to apply a title/URL to each image, and I don't think I'll be able to do that with a multi-image-picker. 我仍然需要为每个图像应用标题/ URL,并且我认为我不能使用多图像选择器来做到这一点。 You can see the "LARGE HERO CONTENT" reference, and that's where the editable text (with optional URL applied) will need to go. 您可以看到“大型英雄内容”参考,这就是需要编辑文本(应用了可选URL)的地方。

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! 任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢!

Nobody commented, but I wanted to list an answer just in case it helps someone. 没有人发表评论,但是我想列出一个答案,以防它对某人有所帮助。 As I expected, I was just being overly complex (and, of course, dumb). 如我所料,我只是过于复杂(当然是愚蠢的)。 The way you access Umbraco properties is through "mediaItem = Umbraco.Media(id)", then "linkText = @mediaItem.GetPropertyValue("linkText)". 访问Umbraco属性的方式是通过“ mediaItem = Umbraco.Media(id)”,然后是“ linkText = @ mediaItem.GetPropertyValue(“ linkText)”。

Here's what the final (working) renderer looks like: 最终的(工作中的)渲染器如下所示:

@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<dynamic>

<div class="carousel owl-carousel carousel-content">
        foreach (var tmp in Model.value.carousel.Children())
            <div class="item">
                    var id = @tmp.id.ToString();
                    var mediaItem = Umbraco.Media(id);
                    var linkText = @mediaItem.GetPropertyValue("linkText");
                    var linkUrl = @mediaItem.GetPropertyValue("linkUrl");
                    var linkTitle = @mediaItem.GetPropertyValue("linkTitle");

                <img src="@mediaItem.url" />

                <div class="content-container">
                    <div class="content">
                        @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkText))

                        @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkUrl))
                            <a class="btn btn-primary backdrop" href="@linkUrl">@linkTitle</a>

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