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[英]Adding keyup each input with jQuery

I am confused on where to put the keyup since my code has multiple input fields.What i know is only putting a keyup in a single input considering my limited knowledge in javascript.Any of this input should automatically update the average column.Lastly it should auto calculate Total average.Hope anyone could help me here.Thank you! 由于我的代码具有多个输入字段,因此我对将关键字放置在何处感到困惑。考虑到我对javascript的了解有限,我只知道将关键字放入单个输入中,因此任何输入都应自动更新平均列。自动计算总平均值。希望有人能在这里帮助我。谢谢!

Sample Table 样品表

Subject   | 1stG | secG | 3rdG |4thG | Average
  English     0      0      0      0      0   inputs here except for Average
  Psychology  0      0      0      0      0

Total Average value here... 总平均值在这里...


       <th colspan="3">Subjects</th>
       <th colspan="2">First Grading</th>
       <th colspan="2">Second Grading</th>
       <th colspan="2">Third Grading</th>
       <th colspan="2">Fourth Grading</th>                                                                         
     @foreach($update_card['AllGrade'] as $subject)
         {!! Form::hidden('grade_id[]',$subject['grade_id']) !!} 
       <th colspan="3">{!! $subject->subject !!}</th>
       <td colspan="2">{!! Form::text('term_1[]',$subject->term_1,['class'=>'form-control','name[]'=>'term_1','id[]'=>'term_1','value'=>'']) !!}</td>
       <td colspan="2">{!! Form::text('term_2[]',$subject->term_2,['class'=>'form-control','name[]'=>'term_2','id[]'=>'term_2','value'=>'']) !!}</td>
       <td colspan="2">{!! Form::text('term_3[]',$subject->term_3,['class'=>'form-control','name[]'=>'term_3','id[]'=>'term_4','value'=>'']) !!}</td>
       <td colspan="2">{!! Form::text('term_4[]',$subject->term_4,['class'=>'form-control','name[]'=>'term_4','id[]'=>'term_4','value'=>'']) !!}</td>
        <td colspan="2" class="average" value=""> Average</td>
         <th colspan="11">Total Average:</th>
      <th>{!! Form::text('scholar_GPA',$update_card->scholar_GPA,['class'=>'form-control total-ave','name' => 'total-ave','id' => 'total-ave','value' => '']) !!}</th>

Script 脚本

<script type="text/javascript">
   $("tbody tr").each(function() {
            var total = 0;
            var ave = 0;
            var count = 1;

                $(this).children('td').not(':last').each(function () {//foreach of the column of the row
                //"this" is the current element in the loop
                var number = ($(this).children('input').length == 0) ? $(this).html() : $(this).children('input').first().val();

                total += parseInt(number);

                ave = total/count;
                     alert(number+'  '+total);

                  $(this).children('td').last().html(ave);//loop the row


You are on the right track. 您走在正确的轨道上。 Put a key up listener on each input but have it run the same function to update your average column. 在每个输入上放置一个向上侦听器,但让它运行相同的功能来更新平均列。 Hint: Your current function should be the function to run when there is any changes(recalculate). 提示:当前函数应该是发生任何更改(重新计算)时要运行的函数。

If needed, check out this plunker but be sure to try yourself first! 如果需要的话,请检查这个矮人,但一定要先尝试一下!

https://plnkr.co/edit/0fJgNDty9OiW5KeBJbn8 https://plnkr.co/edit/0fJgNDty9OiW5KeBJbn8

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js">
<script src="script.js"></script>
<input type="text" value="0">
<input type="text" name="" id="" value="0" />
<p id="average">0</p>
function calculateAverage(){
    sum = 0
        sum += parseInt($(this).val())
$("input").on("keyup", function(){

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