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[英]Javascript: anonymous function with jQuery as parameter

I'm looking at a JavaScript plug-in for the first time, their instruction directs one to include referencing the jQuery API in the head of a HTML document. 我是第一次使用JavaScript插件,它们的指令指导一个人在HTML文档的头部包含引用jQuery API的信息。

The first line of JS in their plug-in entails what I've come to understand is a self-invoking anonymous function JS插件的第一行包含了我所了解的是一个自调用匿名函数

(function($) {...} )(JQuery);
// ... represents many lines of script
  1. Is an actual jQuery object being passed as an argument? 是否将实际的jQuery对象作为参数传递?
  2. And to be clear, the $ is just an variable/object name receiving jQuery? 需要明确的是,$只是接收jQuery的变量/对象名?

I've only been working with JS for about a year. 我只在JS工作了大约一年。 Thanks! 谢谢!

function a(){} -> this return a function object 函数a(){}->返回函数对象

(function a(){}) -> this is a function object (函数a(){})->这是一个函数对象

(function a(){})(...) -> call that function object to run with or without args (function a(){})(...)->调用该函数对象以使用或不使用args进行运行

So it's just like a function call after all. 毕竟,这就像一个函数调用。

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