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[英]Check if there are new strings in a txt file

I am trying to make a function which will compare two txt files. 我正在尝试制作一个将比较两个txt文件的函数。 If it recognizes new lines that are in one file but not in the other, it will add them in a list and also in that file that does not contain those new lines. 如果它识别一个文件中的换行符,但不能识别另一个文件中的换行符,则会将它们添加到list ,也可以添加到不包含这些新行的文件中。 It fails to do that. 它无法做到这一点。 Here is my function. 这是我的功能。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

newLinks = []

def newer():
with open('cnbcNewLinks.txt', 'w') as newL:
    for line in open('cnbcCleanedLinks.txt'):
        if line not in "cnbcNewLinks.txt":
cleaned = ''.join(newLinks)

If files not big, then move data in list, both of list convert in set and use 'differ' builtin functions, two times. 如果文件不大,则将数据移动到列表中,列表中的两个都将转换为set并使用两次“ differ”内置函数。 then add difference in files. 然后在文件中添加差异。

I put in python code what @Alex suggested. 我输入了@Alex建议的python代码。

See the doc for set . 请参阅文档set

I replace you text file name by a.txt and b.txt to be easily readable. 我将文本文件名替换为a.txtb.txt以便于阅读。

# First read the files and compare then using `set`
with open('a.txt', 'r') as newL, open('b.txt', 'r') as cleanL:
    a = set(newL)
    b = set(cleanL)
    add_to_cleanL = list(a - b) # list with line in newL that are not in cleanL
    add_to_newL = list(b - a) # list with line in cleanL that are not in newL

# Then open in append mode to add at the end of the file
with open('a.txt', 'a') as newL, open('b.txt', 'a') as cleanL:
    newL.write(''.join(add_to_newL)) # append the list at the end of newL
    cleanL.write(''.join(add_to_cleanL)) # append the list at the end of cleanL


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