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[英]MySQL: select and divide by count using group by

Here's a data set of my table 这是我表的数据集

ID  |groupID|   Start   | End   | SegStart  | SegEnd    | something
1   |   1   |   0.234   | 0.345 |   0.345   |   0.677   | 0
2   |   1   |   0.234   | 0.345 |   0.346   |   0.678   | 0
3   |   1   |   0.234   | 0.345 |   0.347   |   0.679   | 0
4   |   1   |   0.234   | 0.345 |   0.348   |   0.680   | 1
5   |   2   |   0.345   | 0.567 |   0.568   |   0.570   | 0
6   |   2   |   0.345   | 0.567 |   0.569   |   0.571   | 1
7   |   3   |   0.567   | 0.678 |   0.679   |   0.681   | 0
8   |   3   |   0.567   | 0.678 |   0.680   |   0.682   | 0
9   |   3   |   0.567   | 0.678 |   0.681   |   0.683   | 1

I want to calculate a value from the Start / End columns as well as the SegStart / SegEnd columns where something = "1" and then divide this value by the number of items in a group (group 1 has 4 items, group 2 has 2, group 3 has 3, etc) 我想从Start / End列以及SegStart / SegEnd列中计算出一个值,该值= 1,然后将该值除以组中的项目数(组1有4个项目,组2有2个项目,第3组有3个,依此类推)

I've tried this query, but it gives me the error "Subquery returns more than 1 row" 我已经尝试过此查询,但它给我错误“子查询返回多于1行”

select (((End - Start) - (SegEnd - SegStart)) / 
  (select count(*) as NumSeg from table group by groupID)) as NewValue 
from table where something = "1"; 

I would like a list of the new value for each group, kind of like this (values are imaginary): 我想要每个组的新值的列表,像这样(值是虚数的):

groupID |   NewValue
1       |   0.102
2       |   0.110   
3       |   0.036

You could try this: 您可以尝试以下方法:

  ,Start     NUMERIC(11,3) NOT NULL
  ,End       NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL
  ,SegStart  NUMERIC(11,3) NOT NULL
  ,SegEnd    NUMERIC(11,3) NOT NULL
  ,something BIT  NOT NULL
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (1,1,0.234,0.345,0.345,0.677,0);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (2,1,0.234,0.345,0.346,0.678,0);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (3,1,0.234,0.345,0.347,0.679,0);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (4,1,0.234,0.345,0.348,0.680,1);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (5,2,0.345,0.567,0.568,0.570,0);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (6,2,0.345,0.567,0.569,0.571,1);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (7,3,0.567,0.678,0.679,0.681,0);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (8,3,0.567,0.678,0.680,0.682,0);
INSERT INTO mytable(ID,groupID,Start,End,SegStart,SegEnd,something) VALUES (9,3,0.567,0.678,0.681,0.683,1);

select A.GROUPID, ((End - Start) - (SegEnd - SegStart)) / B.NumSeg AS V1
from mytable A
INNER JOIN  (select GROUPID, count(*) as NumSeg from mytable group by GROUPID) B ON A.GROUPID = B.GROUPID
where something = "1"; 

Output: 输出:

1   1   -0,0552500
2   2   0,1100000
3   3   0,0363333

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