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在TIBCO Spotfire的箱线图中将线的中位数与线连接起来吗?

[英]joining the medians of boxes with a line in a boxplot chart in TIBCO spotfire?

在TIBCO Spotfire中,如何在箱线图中将线的箱中位数连接起来,可以使用ironpython脚本来实现,也可以不使用。

For this, the lines are Mean and Median. 为此,这些行是平均数和中位数。 The line doesn't simply "connect them" though this graphic should have a straight line and not one that looks like a combination chart. 尽管此图形应具有一条直线,而不是看起来像组合图的一条直线,但它并不只是“连接它们”。 The only combo chart that would work similarly to this is the Line / Bar combo chart. 唯一与此相似的组合图是线/条组合图。 However, you can insert a line for the Mean and Median. 但是,您可以为均值和中位数插入一行。

Right Click on your Chart > Properties > Lines & Curves

Then insert a mean and/or median line 然后插入平均线和/或中线

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