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[英]Javascript - getting the value of child element after clicking on another child element

This must be very simple, but I still cannot figure it out... Below is an example and what I tried - all I want is to get the value of <a id="{value}".. after clicking on the <div class="text" DIV. 这必须非常简单,但是我仍然无法弄清楚...下面是一个示例和我尝试过的操作-我想要的就是在单击<div class="text"后获得<a id="{value}".. <div class="text" DIV。

 .h { background: lightblue; } .pb { display: inline-block } .cb { clear: both } .text { background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #000 } 
 <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m75813" href="#m75183">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text" onclick="alert(parentNode.parentElement.firstChild.childNodes[1].a.id);"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m75813"] (ie. 'm75813') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> 

As the element has an ID, you can just look it up by that ID. 由于该元素具有ID,因此您可以通过该ID查找它。 IDs have to be unique (but keep reading, I suspect you don't want to do that) : ID必须是唯一的(但请继续阅读,我怀疑您不想这样做)


 .h { background: lightblue; } .pb { display: inline-block } .cb { clear: both } .text { background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #000 } 
 <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m75813" href="#m75183">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text" onclick="alert(document.getElementById('m75813').id);"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m75813"] (ie. 'm75813') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> 

but if you have lots of these with various IDs and it's the ID you're trying to find, you can do it by going up to the parent node and using querySelector to find the a element: 但是,如果您有很多带有不同ID的ID,而这正是您要查找的ID,则可以通过转到父节点并使用querySelector查找a元素来实现:


 .h { background: lightblue; } .pb { display: inline-block } .cb { clear: both } .text { background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #000 } 
 <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m75813" href="#m75183">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text" onclick="alert(this.parentNode.querySelector('a').id);"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m75813"] (ie. 'm75813') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m54684" href="#m54684">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text" onclick="alert(this.parentNode.querySelector('a').id);"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m54684"] (ie. 'm54684') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> 

In both cases, I would suggest modern event handling rather than using onxyz -attribute-style handlers. 在这两种情况下,我都建议使用现代事件处理方式,而不要使用onxyz式处理程序。 For example: Let's assume all those article elements are in some kind of container. 例如:假设所有这些article元素都在某种容器中。 We can hook click on the container and then find which div the click passed through, and find the a related to that div : 我们可以挂钩click容器上,然后找到该div点击通过,并找到a与此相关的div

document.getElementById("container").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  var element = e.target;
  while (element != this) {
    if (element.matches("div.text")) {
    element = element.parentNode;

 document.getElementById("container").addEventListener("click", function(e) { var element = e.target; while (element != this) { if (element.matches("div.text")) { alert(element.parentNode.querySelector("a").id); break; } element = element.parentNode; } }); 
 .h { background: lightblue; } .pb { display: inline-block } .cb { clear: both } .text { background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #000 } 
 <div id="container"> <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m75813" href="#m75183">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m75813"] (ie. 'm75813') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m54684" href="#m54684">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="54684"] (ie. '54684') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> </div> 

You can do this: 你可以这样做:

<div class="text" onclick="alert(document.getElementById('m75813').id);">
    After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m75813"] (ie. 'm75813') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world.

What's happening is that your queries are returning text nodes (which includes whitespace like newlines) as well as HTML nodes, so your elements aren't at the index you expect. 发生的情况是您的查询返回的是文本节点 (包括换行符在内的空白)以及HTML节点,因此您的元素不在所需的索引处。 querySelector('a') is the simpler approach, but if you did want to select your target via it's place in the DOM structure, you could use firstChildElement and children instead of firstChild and childNodes , respectively, because they exclude text nodes: querySelector('a')是更简单的方法,但是如果您确实想通过它在DOM结构中的位置来选择目标,则可以分别使用firstChildElementchildren而不是firstChildchildNodes ,因为它们排除了文本节点:


 .h { background: lightblue; } .pb { display: inline-block } .cb { clear: both } .text { background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #000 } 
 <article> <div class="h"> <div class="pb">user</div> &nbsp; <div class="pb">date <a id="m75813" href="#m75183">#</a></div> </div> <div class="text" onclick="alert(this.parentElement.firstElementChild.children[1].firstElementChild.id);"> After clicking on the yellow background, the value from [a id="m75813"] (ie. 'm75813') should apppear. Sentence text.<br> Other sample.<br> Hello world. </div> </article> 

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