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[英]Laravel query with union and count

I have the queries: 我有疑问:

$dateToday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime(Carbon::today()));

$countTodayMatchOccurrences = DB::table('occurrences')->select('date')->whereDate('date', '=', $dateToday);
$countTodayMatch = DB::table('matches')->select('date')->whereDate('date', '=', $dateToday)->union($countTodayMatchOccurrences)->count();

And I have the table, look like this: Table matches : 我有桌子,看起来像这样:桌子matches


And table occurrences : 和表occurrences


I don't know why, but my query does not work correctly. 我不知道为什么,但是我的查询无法正常工作。 My query returns 2 , but should return 4 . 我的查询返回2 ,但应返回4

You can use Laravel Debugbar to view the actual queries that are run and verify that they are what you want. 您可以使用Laravel Debugbar查看运行的实际查询并验证它们是否是您想要的。 I would also run the whole thing as one query. 我也将整个事情作为一个查询来运行。

I would also normalize the database a bit more. 我还将对数据库进行更多标准化。 Add a model URL and a corresponding urls table with id, match_id, url, accepted. 添加一个模型URL和一个带有ID,match_id,URL的URL表。

It looks like you are forgetting a 看来您正在忘记

->get() for your first query. ->get()进行第一个查询。

$dateToday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime(Carbon::today()));

$countTodayMatchOccurrences = DB::table('occurrences')->select('date')->whereDate('date', '=', $dateToday)->get();
$countTodayMatch = DB::table('matches')->select('date')->whereDate('date', '=', $dateToday)->union($countTodayMatchOccurrences)->count();

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