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用pROC R绘制ROC曲线

[英]Plot ROC curve with pROC R

I build a text classifier with randomForest, so to evaluate it I try to create a ROC curve with pROC pâckage . 我使用randomForest构建文本分类器,因此要对其进行评估,我尝试使用pROCpâckage创建ROC曲线。

Here the code : 这里的代码:

ndsi.forest <- randomForest(tf.idf[train.index, ], as.factor(train$Note.Reco[train.index]), ntree = 100)

#predict with test data
ndsi.pred <-predict(ndsi.forest, newdata = tf.idf[test.index, ], response  = 'class')
pred <- data.frame(ndsi.pred)
result <- data.frame(id = Data_clean$id[test.index], sentiment = pred[ , ])

##"ROC curve"
multiclass.roc(result$sentiment, test$Note.Reco)

I was wondering if is teher a way to create the plot? 我想知道是否是一种创建情节的方法? ROC plot with pROC package? 用pROC包进行ROC图?

I try with this code : 我尝试使用以下代码:

roc(test$Note.Reco, result$sentiment, levels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

But I get this error : 但是我得到这个错误:

Error in roc.default(test$Note.Reco, result$sentiment, levels = c(1, 2,  : 
  'levels' argument must have length 2

thank you in advance 先感谢您

As far as I have understood, you have a multiclass response variable (corresponding to 10 different groups). 据我了解,您有一个多类响应变量 (对应于10个不同的组)。

The ROC - curve is defined for the classification of two groups, so what multiclass makes is to compute the classification for " one group against the rest ". ROC-曲线是为两组的分类定义的,因此多类分类是针对“ 一组相对于其余组 ”计算分类。 multiclass.roc function doesn't allow you to represent the curves, but understanding what it does, you can: multiclass.roc函数不允许您表示曲线,但是了解它的作用后,您可以:

1) Consider as many roc curves as groups you have. 1)考虑尽可能多的roc曲线。 That is, the ROC - curve for the classification of: 即,ROC-曲线用于分类:

  • Group 1 vs Not Group 1 第1组vs非第1组
  • Group 2 vs Not Group 2 第2组vs非第2组
  • . . .
  • Group 10 vs Not Group 10 第10组vs非第10组

You can do that with the roc function. 您可以使用roc函数来做到这一点。 The only thing you need is to redefine the response vector with 1 for the individuals belonging to the group i and a 0 for the rest of individuals. 您唯一需要做的就是重新定义响应向量,其中i属于第i组,其余为0。 Save each roc object with a differnt name. 用不同的名称保存每个roc对象。

2) To represent all the curves, just use plot function for each of the curves adding plot(..., add=T) to all of them but the first. 2)要表示所有曲线,只需对每条曲线使用plot函数,将plot(..., add=T)到除第一条曲线之外的所有曲线。

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