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“ docker run swarm create”失败,错误为“ 503 Service Unavailable”

[英]“docker run swarm create” failed with error “503 Service Unavailable”

My platform is : 我的平台是:

  • OS: Ubuntu-16.04 操作系统: Ubuntu-16.04
  • Docker version: 1.12.6, build 78d1802 Docker版本: 1.12.6, build 78d1802

When I ran docker run swarm create , it failed with following output: 当我运行docker run swarm create ,它失败,并显示以下输出:

Unable to find image 'swarm:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/swarm
ebe0176dcf9a: Pull complete
19f771faa982: Pull complete
902eeedf931a: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:815fc8fd4617d866e1256999c2c0a55cc8f377f3dade26c3edde3f0543a70c04
Status: Downloaded newer image for swarm:latest
<html><body><h1>**503 Service Unavailable**</h1>
**No server is available to handle this request.**

I was doing POC on swarm to orchestrate different docker containers but not able to proceed. 我正在群中进行POC,以编排不同的Docker容器,但无法继续。 Please help in resolving this issue. 请帮助解决此问题。

The might be some confusion in what you've done. 这可能会使您所做的事情有些混乱。

docker run swarm create is not how you can create a swarm cluster with docker 1.12+. docker run swarm create 不是您如何使用docker 1.12+创建swarm集群的方法。

I don't know precisely what the library/swarm container is for, but definitely not for operating a swarm cluster (maybe an old way for it?). 我不确切地知道library/swarm容器是做什么用的,但绝对不是用于操作群集集群的(也许是一种旧方法?)。

The command to create a swarm cluster with Docker version 1.12+, on your manager node, is : 管理器节点上使用Docker 1.12+版创建集群集群的命令是:

docker swarm init --advertise-addr <MANAGER-IP>

You can have a look at this official docker swarm tutorial to do your POC. 您可以查看此官方docker swarm教程来进行POC。

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