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Python Tkinter after()无法按预期工作

[英]Python Tkinter after() does not work as expected

I am implementing the Reversi/Othello board game at Python using Tkinter for the GUI. 我正在使用Tkinter的GUI在Python上实现Reversi / Othello棋盘游戏。 The issue is that when a player makes a move I want each piece to be drawn with a time interval. 问题是,当玩家移动时,我希望每隔一段时间绘制一次。 So if 3 discs are to be drawn, I want the first disc to be drawn, then the second one after x ms , and so forth. 因此,如果要绘制3张光盘,我希望绘制第一张光盘,然后绘制x ms之后的第二张光盘,依此类推。

def draw_game(self,delay=True):

    # indexes of pieces on the board
    idxs = np.where(self._gameImage >0);

    for (row,column) in zip(idxs[0],idxs[1]):
    # Convert row,column to canvas coordinates
        x1,y1,x2,y2 = self.convert_idx(col=column-1,row=row-1)
        if delay:
        #draw pieces with 500ms delay in between

# function that draws a single piece(disc) on the board

def draw_piece(self,row,column):
    x1,y1,x2,y2 = self.convert_idx(col=column-1,row=row-1)

So one would expect that each piece will be drawn with 500ms time interval between the current and the next piece. 因此,人们希望每一张画在当前和下一张之间的间隔为500毫秒。 Instead, when I run the code, there is an initial time interval of 500ms and then all the pieces are drawn at once. 相反,当我运行代码时,初始时间间隔为500ms,然后立即绘制所有片段。 I tried to run with -u but the behavior was the same. 我尝试使用-u运行,但是行为是相同的。 Any help? 有什么帮助吗? This should be fairly simple 这应该很简单

I think your the placement of your: 我认为您的位置是:


Needs to be moved to the end of your draw_piece() function. 需要移到draw_piece()函数的末尾。 Here's another question that demonstrates the placement. 这是另一个说明展示位置的问题。 Tkinter understanding after() It should call back to the function that its being used in. Tkinter理解after()它应该调用其所使用的函数。

    # function that draws a single piece(disc) on the board

def draw_piece(self,row,column):
    x1,y1,x2,y2 = self.convert_idx(col=column-1,row=row-1)

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