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将字符串时间戳转换为符合ISO 8601的字符串

[英]convert string timestamp to ISO 8601 compliant string

I have a timestamp and offset in string format as shown below in two different variables: 我有一个时间戳和字符串格式的偏移量,如下所示,在两个不同的变量中:

01/14/2016 07:37:36PM

I want to convert above timestamp into ISO 8601 compliant String, with milliseconds and timezone so it should look like this after conversion: 我想将上述时间戳转换为ISO 8601 compliant String, with milliseconds and timezone因此转换后应如下所示:


How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点? I am using jodatime library. 我正在使用jodatime库。

The newer java.time classes work so well with ISO 8601 strings. 较新的java.time类可与ISO 8601字符串配合使用。

    String dateTimeString = "01/14/2016 07:37:36PM"; 
    String offsetString = "-08:00";

    LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeString,
            DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/uuuu hh:mm:ssa"));
    ZoneOffset offset = ZoneOffset.of(offsetString);
    String formattedTimestamp = dateTime.atOffset(offset).toString();

This prints 此打印


Stay away from outdated classes like SimpleDateFormat . 远离过时的类,例如SimpleDateFormat

What is offsetString is not present? 什么是offsetString不存在? I understand that in this case you want an offset of Z for UTC. 我了解在这种情况下,您希望UTC的偏移量为Z For example like this: 例如这样:

    ZoneOffset offset;
    if (offsetString == null) {
        offset = ZoneOffset.UTC;
    } else {
        offset = ZoneOffset.of(offsetString);
    String formattedTimestamp = dateTime.atOffset(offset).toString();

With a null offsetString we now get 使用null offsetString我们现在得到


The classes in java.time (of which I'm using but a few) are described in JSR-310 and come built-in with Java 8. What if you would like to use them with Java 6 or 7? JSR-310中描述了java.time的类(我正在使用其中的一些),这些类是Java 8内置的。如果您想在Java 6或7中使用它们,该怎么办? You get the ThreeTen Backport (link below). 您将获得ThreeTen Backport(下面的链接)。 It gives you the majority of the classes for Java 6 and 7. I'm not perfectly happy to tell you you need an external library, but in this case it's only until you move to Java 8. I hope you will soon. 它为您提供了Java 6和7的大多数类。我不太高兴告诉您您需要一个外部库,但是在这种情况下,只有在您移至Java 8之前,我希望您很快。

I am sure it can be done with JodaTime too, but I haven't got experience with it, so cannot give you the details there. 我确信它也可以用JodaTime完成,但是我没有经验,因此无法在此提供详细信息。 What I do know, I have read the the folks behind JodaTime now recommend you move over to java.time instead. 我所知道的是,我已经阅读过JodaTime背后的人们,现在建议您改为使用java.time So I am asking you to swap one external library for a newer (and supposedly better) one. 因此,我想请您将一个外部库换成一个新的(据称更好的)库。 In itself I'm not unhappy with that. 就其本身而言,我并不为此感到不满。 Only if you already have a codebase that uses JodaTime, it's not really trivial. 仅当您已经具有使用JodaTime的代码库时,它才是真正的琐事。

Link: ThreeTen Backport 链接: ThreeTen Backport

You can find more examples in section Examples at :- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html 您可以在以下示例部分中找到更多示例: -http : //docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html

DateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX");
String string2 = "2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-07:00";
Date result2 = df2.parse(string2);

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