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[英]making a function not to work for a few some seconds in java


You need to record failed login attempts for a user (eg in database ) and once it reaches the threshold, you need to return error response from login method for configurable amount of time from the last failed login attempt, eg: 您需要记录用户的失败登录尝试(例如,在database ),并且一旦达到阈值,就需要从上次失败的登录尝试开始,在可配置的时间内从login方法返回错误响应,例如:

  • When a login fails, log it into database (along with timestamp) 登录失败时,将其登录到数据库(以及时间戳)
  • During login attempt, get failed attempt count and check whether it has reached the configured threshold 登录尝试期间,获取失败尝试计数并检查其是否已达到配置的阈值
  • If it is over the threshold, check the timestamp for last login and block the call if current date is let's say within x minutes from that timestamp 如果超过阈值,请检查上次登录的时间戳,如果当前日期在距该时间戳的x分钟之内,则阻止呼叫
  • On successful login, clear all the failed attempts 成功登录后,清除所有失败的尝试

function not work for example 10 seconds 功能不起作用,例如10秒

You need to be specific on what exactly you mean by function not to work . 您需要具体说明不起作用的确切含义。 But if you simply wanted to block the method call for x seconds, follow the below approach: 但是,如果您只是想阻塞x秒的方法调用,请遵循以下方法:

You need to create a counter to count the number of attempts and then if(counter>5) then use Thread.sleep(10000) to make the request to hold (sleep) for 10 seconds. 您需要创建一个counter来计算尝试次数,然后创建if(counter>5)并使用Thread.sleep(10000)来使请求保持(睡眠)10秒钟。 Ideally, the counter value should be persisted to a database (or any other storage) and read it again to validate the number of attempts. 理想情况下, counter值应保存在数据库(或任何其他存储)中,然后再次读取该值以验证尝试次数。

But, I strongly suggest you follow @Darshan's answer which makes more sense. 但是,我强烈建议您遵循@Darshan的回答,这更有意义。

First you need to identify the user . 首先,您需要识别用户。

This can be done on the basis of IP . 这可以基于IP来完成。

Have a ConcurrentHashMap 有一个ConcurrentHashMap

   ConcurrentHashMap<String,Long>IpAddressValidationMap  // String is the Ip address and Long is the timeInMilleseconds

You make a filter and put a check 您做一个过滤器并进行检查

     public void prefilterFunction(RequestObject object)
          String ip=object.getIP(); // just an example not the standard call for getting Ip addr
           Long time=IpAddressValidationMap.get(ip);
                 return ;  
                 // We allow the user to proceed

      public void validateLogin(RequestObject object)
       // if the login fails 

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