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React-Redux - NavMenu上的唯一键警告

[英]React-Redux - Unique key warning on NavMenu

New to this.. 新的...

A number of questions "That might answer my question" display below when I started writing this question but they did'nt seem to deal with this. 当我开始写这个问题时,下面会显示一些问题“可能会回答我的问题”,但他们似乎并没有解决这个问题。

In the console I get the following warning: 在控制台中,我收到以下警告:

warning.js:36 Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `NavMenu`. See fb-me-react-warning-keys for more information.
in NavItem (created by NavMenu)
in NavMenu (created by Connect(NavMenu))
in Connect(NavMenu) (created by Layout)
in div (created by Layout)
in Layout (created by RouterContext)
in RouterContext (created by Router)
in Router
in Provider

Says its in NavItem id the navmenu. 在NavItem中说它是navmenu。 I have "eventKey" set in this however I have checked to make sure there are no duplicates.. there arent. 我在这里设置了“eventKey”但是我已经检查以确保没有重复..没有。 Maybe someone might enlighten me why this warning comes up and what I have to do to fix it. 也许有人可能会告诉我为什么会出现这个警告以及我必须做些什么来解决它。

Here is the NavMenu in its entirety: 这是NavMenu的全部内容:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Navbar, Nav, NavItem, NavDropdown, MenuItem } from "react-bootstrap"
import { LinkContainer } from 'react-router-bootstrap'

class NavMenu extends Component {
  render() {
    const { isAuthorised, username } = this.props;

    return (
      <div className='main-nav'>
        <Navbar inverse collapseOnSelect>
              <Link to={ '/' }>JobsLedger</Link>
            {<Navbar.Toggle />}
              <LinkContainer to={'/'}>
                <NavItem eventKey={1}><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-home'></span> Home</NavItem>
              <LinkContainer to={'/counter'}>
                <NavItem eventKey={2} ><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-education'></span> Counter</NavItem> 
              <LinkContainer to={'/fetchdata'}>
                <NavItem eventKey={3}><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-th-list'></span> Fetch data</NavItem>
              {isAuthorised && (
                <NavDropdown eventKey={4} title="Clients" id="basic-nav-dropdown">
                  <LinkContainer to={'/clients/index'}>
                    <MenuItem eventKey={4.1}><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-th-list'></span> Client List</MenuItem>
                  <LinkContainer to={'/clients/create'}>
                    <MenuItem eventKey={4.2}><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span> New Client</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem eventKey={4.3}>Something else here</MenuItem>
                  <MenuItem divider />
                  <MenuItem eventKey={4.4}>Separated link</MenuItem>
              <Nav pullRight>
              {isAuthorised ? ([
                <NavItem eventKey={5}><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span> Hello {username}</NavItem>
              ]) : (
                <LinkContainer to={'/login'}>
                  <NavItem eventKey={6} ><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span> Login</NavItem>

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
  isAuthorised: state.login.isAuthorised,
  username: state.login.username,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NavMenu);

I thought it might be to do with the "Link" for the "NavBar.Brand" so I refactored to this: 我认为它可能与“NavBar.Brand”的“链接”有关,所以我重构了这个:

        <LinkContainer to={'/'}>
            <NavItem eventKey={1}>JobsLedger</NavItem>
        {<Navbar.Toggle />}

In which I also renumbered everything. 其中我也重新编号。 Still didnt fix the warning. 仍然没有修复警告。

Why is this warning being given ie what have I dont wrong and what do I need to change to remove the warning. 为什么要给出这个警告,即我没有错,我需要更改什么才能删除警告。

The eventKey property that was mentioned in another answer is used for something else in react-bootstrap - I don't think it's related to the error here. 另一个答案中提到的eventKey属性用于react-bootstrap中的其他内容 - 我不认为它与此处的错误有关。

Background 背景

Whenever you render an array, React expects each item to have a key property. 每当渲染数组时,React都希望每个项都有一个key属性。 I noticed an array near the end of your code here: 我注意到代码末尾附近有一个数组:

{isAuthorised ? ([
  <NavItem eventKey={5}><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span> Hello {username}</NavItem>
]) : (
<LinkContainer to={'/login'}>
  <NavItem eventKey={6} ><span className='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span> Login</NavItem>

This says that if isAuthorized is true, render an array with one NavItem, otherwise render one LinkContainer. 这表示如果isAuthorized为true,则使用一个NavItem呈现数组,否则呈现一个LinkContainer。

So when isAuthorized is true, you end up rendering an array. 因此,当isAuthorized为true时,您最终会渲染一个数组。 Each item in the array needs a unique key property, or else you'll see the error above. 数组中的每个项都需要一个唯一的key属性,否则您将看到上面的错误。


In this case, the array doesn't seem to be serving any purpose, so I'd just remove it, like this: (notice the first and last line) 在这种情况下,数组似乎没有任何用途,所以我只是删除它,如下所示:(注意第一行和最后一行)

{isAuthorised ? (
  <NavItem eventKey={5}> ...
) : (

If you need the array there for some reason, you should be able to fix it by adding a key property like this: 如果由于某种原因需要阵列,你应该可以通过添加如下的key属性来修复它:

{isAuthorised ? ([
  <NavItem key={0} eventKey={5}> ...
]) : (

See https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/lists-and-keys.html#keys 请参阅https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/lists-and-keys.html#keys

You need the property 'key' instead of 'eventKey'. 你需要属性'key'而不是'eventKey'。 Ie <NavItem eventKey={1}> should be <NavItem key={1}> . <NavItem eventKey={1}>应为<NavItem key={1}> You will need to add a unique key to every NavItem and a unique key to every LinkContainer. 您需要为每个NavItem添加唯一键,并为每个LinkContainer添加唯一键。

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