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将mysql架构添加到MySQL Workbench?

[英]Add mysql schema to MySQL Workbench?

If this is a super basic question I apologize; 如果这是一个非常基本的问题,我深表歉意。 I'm still trying to grok MySQL and my options on interfacing with it. 我仍在尝试使用MySQL及其与之交互的选项。

I'm wondering if I'm able to add the mysql schema to MySQL Workbench? 我想知道是否可以将mysql模式添加到MySQL Workbench? I can see and access it via PhpMyAdmin and the command line. 我可以通过PhpMyAdmin和命令行查看和访问它。 I'm also able to query a mysql table (user, for example) from Workbench itself. 我还能够从Workbench本身查询mysql表(例如,用户)。

I'm mostly just curious if I can add it to the schema section in the lower left hand side of Workbench. 如果可以将其添加到Workbench左下方的架构部分,我只是很好奇。 I'm using version 6.3. 我正在使用6.3版。

Thanks for your time and suggestions! 感谢您的宝贵时间和建议!

Edit: To better clarify, I'm just wondering if I can view the schema in Workbench like I can in PhpMyAdmin. 编辑:为了更好地阐明,我只是想知道是否可以像在PhpMyAdmin中一样在Workbench中查看架构。


MySQL Workbench by default hides system tables (that is PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, INFORMATION_SCHEMA and mysql). 默认情况下,MySQL Workbench隐藏系统表(即PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA,INFORMATION_SCHEMA和mysql)。 In the preferences (SQL Editor -> Show Metadata and Internal Schemas) you can enable them. 在首选项(SQL编辑器->显示元数据和内部模式)中,可以启用它们。 After a restart of Workbench you will get them in the schema tree. 重新启动Workbench之后,您将在架构树中找到它们。

You can not have phpmyadmin and workbench synchronized. 您不能使phpmyadmin和工作台同步。 What you could do is to work on a site, and then export the schema 您可以做的是在网站上工作,然后导出架构

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