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[英]Setting ScrollPane to the Desired Position

I am developing a project in JavaFX 2.0. 我正在用JavaFX 2.0开发一个项目。

The scenario starts when a user creates a UML model like below: 当用户创建如下所示的UML模型时,该场景开始:


When the user clicks the source code synchronisation button, the application displays the related source codes in Bubbles around the UML model like following: 当用户单击源代码同步按钮时,应用程序将在UML模型周围的Bubbles中显示相关的源代码,如下所示:


However, as you might realize that the bubble, which is created on the top is not fully fit the pane. 但是,您可能会意识到,在顶部创建的气泡并不完全适合窗格。 The desired view of the pane should be like this: 窗格的所需视图应如下所示:


Even if I know that I should use HValue and VValue properties to accomplish this. 即使我知道我应该使用HValueVValue属性来完成此操作。 I couldn't understand how should I set these new value of ScrollPane . 我不明白如何设置ScrollPane这些新值。

The size of the ScrollPane is 8000 x 8000 and I am creating an invisible rectangle which covers all the UML model and the bubbles by calling rescaleView() function. ScrollPane的大小为8000 x 8000,我通过调用rescaleView()函数创建了一个不可见的矩形,该矩形覆盖了所有UML模型和气泡。 So according to the values of this rectangle, I am rescaling the ScrollPane but I couldn't move the viewport centre again. 因此,根据该矩形的值,我正在重新缩放ScrollPane,但无法再次移动视口中心。 Here is the function for rescaling: 这是重新缩放的功能:

private void rescaleView() {
    double MARGIN = 5.0;

    List<BubbleView> bubbleViews = new ArrayList<>(diagramController.getAllBubbleViews());

    double xMin = bubbleViews.get(0).getX();
    double yMin = bubbleViews.get(0).getY();
    double xMax = bubbleViews.get(0).getX() + bubbleViews.get(0).getWidth();
    double yMax = bubbleViews.get(0).getY() + bubbleViews.get(0).getHeight();

    if(bubbleViews.size() > 0) {
        for(int i = 1; i < bubbleViews.size(); i++) {
            if((bubbleViews.get(i).getX() + bubbleViews.get(i).getWidth()) > xMax) {
                xMax = bubbleViews.get(i).getX() + bubbleViews.get(i).getWidth();

            if(bubbleViews.get(i).getX() < xMin) {
                xMin = bubbleViews.get(i).getX();

            if((bubbleViews.get(i).getY() + bubbleViews.get(i).getHeight()) > yMax) {
                yMax = bubbleViews.get(i).getY() + bubbleViews.get(i).getHeight();

            if(bubbleViews.get(i).getY() < yMin) {
                yMin = bubbleViews.get(i).getY();

        double toBeScaled = Math.min((Math.max(diagramController.getScrollPane().getWidth(), diagramController.getScrollPane().getHeight()) / Math.max((xMax - xMin), (yMax - yMin))),(Math.min(diagramController.getScrollPane().getWidth(), diagramController.getScrollPane().getHeight()) / Math.min((xMax - xMin), (yMax - yMin)))) * 100;
        diagramController.getGraphController().zoomPane(toBeScaled - MARGIN);
        diagramController.getGraphController().center(xMin, yMin);

but the center(x,y) function below doesn't make the viewport center: 但是下面的center(x,y)函数不会使视口居中:

public void center(double x, double y) {
    ScrollPane scrollPane = diagramController.getScrollPane();

    double xScroll = x / 8000; //8000 is the size of aDrawPane set in view.classDiagramView.fxml
    double yScroll = y / 8000;


How should I set these setHValue and setVValue ? 我应该如何设置这些setHValuesetVValue

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

I'm not sure it works or not. 我不确定它是否有效。

diagramController.getGraphController().center((xMax + xMin) / 2, (yMax + yMin) / 2);

double xScroll = (x - scrollPane.getWidth() / 2) / (8000 - scrollPane.getWidth());
double yScroll = (y - scrollPane.getHeight() / 2) / (8000 - scrollPane.getHeight());

And toBeScaled seems to have undesirable case such as vertically long scrollPane with wide contents. 并且toBeScaled似乎有不受欢迎的情况,例如内容宽度很长的垂直滚动条。 Ignore the code below if it was misunderstanding. 如果误解,请忽略下面的代码。

final double scrollPaneWidth = diagramController.getScrollPane().getWidth();
final double scrollPaneHeight = diagramController.getScrollPane().getHeight();
final double contentsWidth = xMax - xMin;
final double contentsHeight = yMax - yMin;
double toBeScaled = Math.min(scrollPaneHeight / contentsHeight, scrollPaneWidth / contentsWidth) * 100;

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