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[英]r association rules apriori



aa<-subset(hh, select=c(mbr_no,ctgr_flag_nm))

'data.frame':   643241 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ mbr_no      : num  2.01e+14 2.01e+14 2.01e+14 2.01e+14 2.01e+14 ...
 $ ctgr_flag_nm: Factor w/ 7 levels "그린핑거","기저귀",..: 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 ...


rioter.transaction<-as(aa, "transactions")


transactions in sparse format with
 643241 transactions (rows) and
 178834 items (columns)

rules = apriori(rioter.transaction)

set of 0 rules

Why do I have 0 rules? 为什么我有0条规则?

I was tring to do read.transactions 我很想读.transactions

or mbr_no type conversion in other ways 或其他方式的mbr_no类型转换

but it still doesn't work 但它仍然不起作用

how can I fix it? 我该如何解决?

Your variable mbr_no seems to be continuous with 178834-7 different values occurring in your data. 您的变量mbr_no似乎是连续的,并且数据中出现了178834-7个不同的值。 You need to discretize the continuous variable. 您需要离散化连续变量。 as.factor will not do this, but assign a level to each distinct value of the variable. as.factor不会执行此操作,而是为变量的每个不同值分配一个级别。 So you should do something like this instead: 因此,您应该执行以下操作:

aa$mbr_no <- discretize(aa$mbr_no)

discretize is part of the arules package (see ? discretize ). discretizearules软件包的一部分(请参阅? discretize )。

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