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[英]why reflection GetMethod return null?

I need to create an instance of object dynamically and execute one method of this instance dynamically. 我需要动态创建对象的实例,并动态执行该实例的一种方法。 I am trying this code but GetMethod return null. 我正在尝试此代码,但GetMethod返回null。

var className = "SomeClass";
Type[] paramTypes = { typeof(Telegram.Bot.Types.User), typeof(string[]) };
var cmd = Activator.CreateInstance(null, "mynamespace." + className);
var method = cmd.GetType().GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Instance, null, paramTypes, null);
res = method.Invoke(cmd, new object[] { e.Message.From, args }).ToString();

and this is my SomeClass code: 这是我的SomeClass代码:

public class RegisterTelegramCommand : ITelegramCommand
    public string Message
            return "some message"; 

    public string Execute(Telegram.Bot.Types.User telegramUser, string[] param)
        return param[0]+" " +param[2];           

how can i solve this problem? 我怎么解决这个问题?

Activator.CreateInstance returns a ObjectHandle which needs to be unwrapped first: Activator.CreateInstance返回一个ObjectHandle ,该ObjectHandle首先需要解开:

var className = "RegisterTelegramCommand";

Type[] paramTypes = { typeof(object), typeof(string[]) };
var cmd = Activator.CreateInstance("ConsoleApplication4", "ConsoleApplication4." + className);
Object p = cmd.Unwrap();
var method = p.GetType().GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, paramTypes, null);
var res = method.Invoke(p, new object[] { null, args }).ToString();

I have putted parameter null, might be due that this issue is comming, I have check this in console code is working fine 我已将参数设置为null,可能是由于此问题即将来临,我已在控制台代码中检查了此功能是否正常

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ConsoleApplication4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var className = "RegisterTelegramCommand";
            Type[] paramTypes = { typeof(object), typeof(string[]) };
            var cmd = Activator.CreateInstance("ConsoleApplication4", "ConsoleApplication4." + className);
            Object p = cmd.Unwrap();
            var method = p.GetType().GetMethod("Execute", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, paramTypes, null);
            var res = method.Invoke(p, new object[] { null, args }).ToString();

    public class RegisterTelegramCommand
        public string Message
            get { return "a"; }

        public string Execute(object paramObject, string[] param)
            return param[0] + " " + param[2];

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