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如何在koa2应用中设置XSRF-TOKEN Cookie?

[英]How to set XSRF-TOKEN cookie in koa2 app?

I'm write node-koa2-angular app. 我正在编写node-koa2-angular应用程序。 And I need set XSRF-TOKEN cookie like in express app: 我需要像在快速应用中那样设置XSRF-TOKEN Cookie:

var csrfProtection = csrf({ cookie: true })

But in koa-csrf I cannot find this option and by default it's don't create cookie. 但是在koa-csrf中,我找不到此选项,默认情况下,它不创建cookie。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

You're correct that koa-csrf does not create the cookie. 您是正确的, koa-csrf不会创建cookie。 Instead it introspects the cookie on the koa context at ctx.session . 相反,它会在ctx.session上对koa上下文中的cookie进行内部ctx.session Check out where this happens in the code . 代码中查看发生这种情况的位置。

You'll need to add an additional middleware like koa-session to create the cookie. 您需要添加其他中间件(例如koa-session)来创建cookie。 Your implementation should look something like: 您的实现应类似于:

const session = require('koa-session');
const CSRF = require('koa-csrf');

// set the session keys and add session support    
app.keys = ['secret']
app.use(session({}, app))

// add the CSRF middleware
app.use(new CSRF());

// your middleware here (e.g. parse a form submit)
app.use((ctx, next) => {
  if (ctx.method === 'GET') {
    ctx.state.csrf = ctx.csrf;
  return next();

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