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如何拉URL并将变量传递给Python 3的http.server

[英]how to pull url and pass variable to python 3's http.server

My google-fu is failing me, perhaps because it is late. 我的Google Fu令我失望,也许是因为它来晚了。

Given the code below, I need to take everything after the domain.tld/ and parse it. 给定下面的代码,我需要将所有内容都放在domain.tld /之后并进行解析。 It will then run against a database (in the example I'm using a dict, but in reality I'll be making a call to mysql, will that change it?) 然后它将针对数据库运行(在示例中,我使用的是dict,但实际上我将调用mysql,这会改变它吗?)

Then, it will serve up a redirect header with that url. 然后,它将使用该网址提供重定向标头。

from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer

class HTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        self.send_header('Location', url)

array["stuff"] = "http://google.com"
array["thing"] = "http://yahoo.com"
url = array[page]

server_address = ('', 80)
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, HTTPServer_RequestHandler)


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