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stack.yaml 不依赖于 github

[英]stack.yaml not pulling in dependency from github

Here's the stack.yaml stanza这是 stack.yaml 节


- location:
   git: https://github.com/TwitterFriends/lsh.git
   commit: 57d57f4209e56f526c0eca023907015935c26071
   extra-dep: true

I add the package to cabal file我将包添加到 cabal 文件中

get error when I try to build当我尝试构建时出错

While constructing the BuildPlan the following exceptions were encountered:

--  While attempting to add dependency,
    Could not find package lsh in known packages

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

Current project found here当前项目在这里找到

https://github.com/TwitterFriends/twitter-friend-server https://github.com/TwitterFriends/twitter-friend-server

The problem is syntax.问题是语法。 You added some extra spaces before extra-dep .您在extra-dep之前添加了一些额外的空格。 Place this in stack.yaml .把它放在stack.yaml With this, your project builds on my machine.有了这个,你的项目就建立在我的机器上。

- location:
    git: https://github.com/TwitterFriends/lsh.git
    commit: 57d57f4209e56f526c0eca023907015935c26071
  extra-dep: true

UPDATE: (17 Dec 2017)更新: (2017 年 12 月 17 日)

Since stack-1.6.1 syntax of adding github dependency is changed.由于添加 github 依赖项的stack-1.6.1语法已更改。 You need to add your github dependency into extra-deps field.您需要将您的 github 依赖项添加到extra-deps字段中。 Something like this:像这样的东西:

resolver: lts-9.17
packages: [.]

- fmt-
- git: https://github.com/TwitterFriends/lsh.git
  commit: 57d57f4209e56f526c0eca023907015935c26071

UPDATE: (5 Dec 2019)更新: (2019 年 12 月 5 日)

In stack-2.1.3 you can specify GitHub dependencies in extra-deps with even shorter syntax:stack-2.1.3您可以使用更短的语法在extra-deps指定 GitHub 依赖项:

- github: TwitterFriends/lsh
  commit: 57d57f4209e56f526c0eca023907015935c26071

It looks like the problem you're facing is due to a syntax error in the lines in your stack.yaml file directly preceding those you posted in the question.看起来您面临的问题是由于您的stack.yaml文件中的行中的语法错误直接位于您在问题中发布的行之前。

When I visited your repo and checked out the whole stack.yaml file, I saw this:当我访问你的 repo 并查看整个stack.yaml文件时,我看到了这个:

resolver: lts-8.13

# User packages to be built.
# Various formats can be used as shown in the example below.

# - https://example.com/foo/bar/baz-0.0.2.tar.gz
- location:
    git: https://github.com/TwitterFriends/lsh.git
    commit: 57d57f4209e56f526c0eca023907015935c26071
  extra-dep: true

This packages: line doesn't look right, especially given that later in the file you have:这个packages:行看起来不对,特别是考虑到在文件的后面你有:

- '.'

So my best guess would be that the stack.yaml file isn't getting parsed correctly, so it can't find the library b/c it doesn't know it should grab it from that location.所以我最好的猜测是stack.yaml文件没有被正确解析,所以它找不到库 b/c 它不知道它应该从那个位置获取它。

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